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 Create directory
      fn_MkDir( <nHandle>, <nRights> [, <cPath>]  ) --> <nStatus>

    <nHandle> is a handle to a directory path, usually obtained with

    <nRights> contains the maximum rights mask.  Since the rights are
              specified as a bit pattern, you may wish to use the values
              defined in netto.CH (see example below).

    <cPath> is the desired pathspec.  If the pathspec is fully defined
            by the handle, then pass an empty string or NIL.


    <nStatus> will be zero if the directory was created.  If an error
              occurred then <nStatus> will likely be NO_CREATE_PRIVILEGES
              or VOLUME_DOES_NOT_EXIST.


    This call creates a directory on a file server, given the directory
    path and the maximum rights for the directory.


    // Create a directory with read/write privileges only

    fn_MkDir(  0, MRM_READ + MRM_WRITE, "SYS:\THISDIR" )

    // Create a directory with full priveleges using a handle

    aDHInfo := fn_alTemDH( 0, "X", "VOL1:\" )

    fn_MkDir( aDHInfo[ 1 ], 255, "THATDIR" )

 Header File: netto.CH (only needed if you want to make use of the #defines for

 Header File: the Maximum Rights Mask).


 Author: Ted Means

See Also: fn_RmDir() fn_GetCD() fn_RenDir()
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