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 File server file copy
      fn_fscpy( hSrc, hDest, [nSrcOff], [nDestOff], [nBytes] ) -> nWritten

     <hSrc>     is a DOS file handle (returned via fopen() or
                fcreate() ) for the source file

     <hDest>    is a DOS file handle (returned via fopen() or
                fcreate() ) for the destination file

     <nSrcOff>  is the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of
                the source file where copying should begin
                Defaults to 0.

     <nDestOff> is the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of
                the destination file where copying should begin
                Defaults to 0.

     <nBytes>   is the number of bytes from the source file that
                should be copied.
                Defaults to the length of the source file.


     <nWritten>, the number of bytes actually copied.
     There are no specific error codes available for this API.

     You can check fn_error() for EINT86 (ft_int86 error) or
     EBADPARM (you didn't send in enough parameters).


     The "File Server FIle Copy" API allows you to copy parts
     of a file to another file at the file server level --
     in other words, the server does all the work and your workstation
     is not involved.

     The source file and destination file must reside on the same
     server (no local drives or different servers).  The handles
     are returned from low level file i/o calls like Clipper's
     fopen() or fcreate().

     This API is interesting because you can copy bytes right into
     the middle of a file, etc.



 Author: Glenn Scott

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