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 Accounting Services Overview



       In order to use accounting services, the file server
       must have accounting installed.  This is accomplished
       via SYSCON.

       In addition, any object that submits charges must have
       its bindery object ID in the file server's ACCOUNT_SERVERS
       set property.  Only a supervisor-equivalent user can
       assign a bindery object ID to this property.

       Before using any accounting API call, call FN_ACCINST()
       first.  This will tell you whether or not accounting is
       installed on the current file server. Alternatively,
       you can call FN_ACCINST( nConnID ) to test other file
       servers you are connected to.  See the documentation.


       When accounting is installed on a server, the network
       keeps an audit trail of all accounting transactions.
       This audit trail is stored in a file called NET$ACCT.DAT
       which resides in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. This is regular
       file with normal attributes.

       Each time the accounting API's to submit charges or record
       notes are called, an entry is written into this audit file.

       Charge records, from the FN_SaccChg() function, have the
       following format:

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-2       Record length -2 (excludes 2 bytes for length)
        2-4       Server bindery object id
        6-6       Time stamp, six single bytes for
       12-1       Record type (1=Charge record)
       13-1       Completion code (0=Successful,194=Credit exceeded)
       14-2       Service type (Normally bindery object type of server)
       16-4       Client bindery object id (who was charged for services)
       20-4       Amount charged
       24-2       Comment type
       26-x       Text of comment

       The comment field contains a string of binary information
       packed together.  The string's contents vary depending on
       the comment type.  (See the section on Comment types below)

       Note records, from the FN_SaccNote() function, have the
       following format:

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-2       Record length -2 (excludes 2 bytes for length)
        2-4       Server bindery object id
        6-6       Time stamp, six single bytes for
       12-1       Record type (2=Note record)
       13-1       Reserved
       14-2       Service type (Normally bindery object type of server)
       16-4       Client bindery object id (who was charged for services)
       20-2       Comment type
       22-x       Text of comment

       The comment field contains a string of binary information
       packed together.  The string's contents vary depending on
       the comment type.  (See the section on Comment types below)


       This file contains the formatting instructions for all comment
       types. NET$REC.DAT is also stored in SYS:SYSTEM as a regular
       file.  It's structure is shown here:

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-2       Record length -2 (excludes 2 bytes for length)
        2-2       Comment type
        4-1       Number of fields in this comment type
        5-?       Data types of each field in the comment string
        ?-x       Length of the format string
        ?-y       Actual format string.

       For example, the format record for DISK STORAGE CHARGE NOTE
       would look like the following:

       |48| 2|2|3|3|42|%lu disk blocks stored for %lu half-hours.|

       Comments and Comment Types

       Novell supports the following comment types in a charge record.
       Developers of Netware applications may create additional comment
       types which would have different numbers.

       Comment type 1 - Connect time charge
       This comment type indicates the number of minutes that a station
       was connected to the server, the number of packets sent, and the
       number of disk operations.

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-4       Connect time in minutes
        4-4       Number of packet requests
        8-6       Number of bytes read
       14-6       Number of bytes written

       Comment type 2 - Disk storage charge
       This comment type charges for the number of storage blocks owned
       and the amount of time they were owned for (in half-hour increments).

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-4       Blocks owned
        4-4       Number of half hours owned

       Comment type 3 - Login to server note
       This comment type records the station number whenever an object
       logins to the server.

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-4       Network address
        4-6       Node login to

       Comment type 4 - Logout from server note
       This comment type records the station number whenever an object
       log outs from a server.

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-4       Network address
        4-6       Node logged out from

       Comment type 5 - Account locked note
       This comment type records the station number whenever an intruder
       detection event occurs.  The client number field in the note record
       indicates the object number that has been locked out.

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-4       Network address
        4-6       Node logged out from

       Comment type 6 - Server time changed note
       This comment type records whenever the time is changed on the
       file server.  The client number field in the note record indicates
       the user that made the time change. The comment indicates the new
       date that the server was changed to.

       Bytes      Description
       -----      -------------
        0-6       Time stamp, six single bytes for

       A sample report server

       Assume that you have a Clipper application that processes
       some files and produces a laser printed report. This program
       runs at night and reads a DBF file to determine what to print.
       The DBF file contains the requesting user's object name, the
       directory to run the report in, and the report name.  It also
       contains a status field that gets filled in after the report
       has run.

       The following code illustrates the Clipper program to process
       the requests database and run the reports. It bills the user
       for these reporting services and denies service if the user id
       does not have sufficient credit.

       #define  COST_PER_REPORT      5.00
       #define  ACCOUNT_BALANCE     aStatus[1]
       #define  CREDIT_LIMIT        aStatus[2]

       procedure main
       LOCAL aStatus
       LOCAL cMsg
       LOCAL nResult
       use REQUESTS exclusive
       go top
       do while !eof()
          // Check if user has sufficient funds
          aStatus := Fn_GAccStat( REQUESTS->username,1 )
          cMsg    := "Report run ok..."
          if !empty(aStatus)
                nResult := FN_sAccHold( REQUESTS->username,;
                                        1,COST_PER_REPORT )
                if nResult == 0
                   Do_Report( REQUESTS->dir,REQUEST->rpt_name )
                   FN_sAccChg( REQUESTS->username,1,1,;
                               { 5,100,100,100 } )
                   cMsg := "Problem ("+alltrim(str(nResult))+") occurred"
                cMsg := "Over credit limit..."
             cMsg := "No account balance"
          replace REQUESTS->status with cMsg
          select REQUESTS
          skip +1
       close databases



 Author: Glenn Scott

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