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  New in this version

     From 2.10

        - Fixed a bug in Scatter() function

        - Fixed a bug in Radio Buttons

        - A new function called puzzle()

        - Fixed a bug in menu functions. Now, hotkeys are availables.

        - Two new functions called SetLabel() and GetLabel()

        - A new function called MemPSP()

        - Fixed a bug in PCXShow256() with QEMM systems

        - A new function called CRC32()

        - Multi language support

        - OOPS support

        - A lot of conversion functions from Imperial to Metric

        - A new function called MiniDebug()

        - Now, Manager() allows wildcars

        - AsciiTab shows an ascii table

        - Novell queue funtions has Multiqueue support

        - GraphEllipse() and GraphBar2()

        - Due to compatibility problems with the new version of Fast
          i have changed several names of the functions.
          These are the changed functions:

          |  ExisteDir   -> DirExist    |   BorroBuf    -> ClrBuffer      |
          |  fAbrir      -> fbOpen      |---------------------------------|
          |  fAtributos  -> fAttributes |   Serpiente   -> Serpent        |
          |  fBorra      -> fDel        |   jBoton1     -> jButton1       |
          |  fBorraDir   -> DirDel      |   jBoton2     -> jButton2       |
          |  fBusca      -> fSearch     |---------------------------------|
          |  fCambiaDir  -> DirChange   |   Calculadora -> Calculator     |
          |  fCreaDir    -> DirCreate   |   Calendario  -> Calendar       |
          |  fCerrar     -> fbClose     |   Chequea     -> ChkDsk         |
          |  fCrear      -> fbCreate    |   Cielo       -> Stars          |
          |  fEscribir   -> fbWrite     |   Crono       -> Chrono         |
          |  fFecha      -> fDate       |   Formatea    -> Format         |
          |  fHora       -> fTime       |   Fuego       -> Fire           |
          |  fLeer       -> fbRead      |   Hoja        -> Notes          |
          |  fNombre     -> fName       |   Reloj       -> Clock          |
          |  fTamano     -> fSize       |---------------------------------|
          |  fUnidad     -> fUnit       |   rColores    -> rColors        |                       |
          |-----------------------------|   rDerecho    -> rRight         |
          |  Apaga       -> Degrade     |   rHayRaton   -> rIsMouse       |
          |  Caja        -> gBox        |   rIzquiero   -> rLeft          |
          |  Circulo     -> gCircle     |   rNumBotones -> rButtons       |
          |  Elipse      -> gEllipse    |---------------------------------|
          |  Enciende    -> Upgrade     |   Imprime     -> ToPrint        |
          |  GrafBarra   -> GraphBar    |---------------------------------|
          |  GrafTarta   -> GraphTart   |   TieneDbt    -> HaveDbt        |
          |  Leyenda     -> Legend      |---------------------------------|
          |  Linea       -> gLine       |   Cuelga      -> Hangup         |
          |  Origen      -> Origin      |   Marca       -> Dial           |
          |  Paleta      -> Palette     |---------------------------------|
          |  GifIsPaleta -> GifIsPalette|   Desencripta -> Desencrypt     |
          |  PcxPaleta   -> PcxPalette  |   Encripta    -> Encrypt        |
          |  PcxPlanos   -> PcxPlanes   |   Inibusca    -> IniSearch      |
          |-----------------------------|   IniEscribe  -> IniWrite       |
          |  BorraBit    -> DelBit      |   IniGuarda   -> IniSave        |
          |  Letras      -> Num2Txt     |   IniLee      -> IniLoad        |
          |  PonBit      -> SetBit      |   PidePass    -> GetPass        |
          |  Purga       -> Purge       |   SalvaSets   -> SaveSets       |
          |  SalvaArray  -> SaveArray   |   NumParalel  -> NumParallel    |
          |  cDameMes    -> cGetMonth   |---------------------------------|
          |  dToDMA      -> dToDMY      |   Alucina     -> Fascinate      |
          |  dSumaMeses  -> dAddMonth   |   Aviso       -> Warning        |
          |  lBisiesto   -> lLeap       |   BoxAbre     -> BoxOpen        |
          |  PrimerDia   -> FirstDay    |   BoxBorra    -> BoxDelete      |
          |  Seg2Dias    -> Sec2Days    |   BoxCierra   -> BoxClose       |
          |  UltimoDia   -> LastDay     |   BoxPulsa    -> BoxPush        |
          |  Hora        -> Time        |   DameCar     -> GetChar        |
          |  Sen         -> Sin         |   File2Pan    -> File2Scr       |
          |  Eleva       -> Exponent    |   Mensaje     -> Message        |
          |  Sumatorio   -> Sum         |   Muro        -> Wall           |
          |  Capitaliza  -> Capital     |   NewAviso    -> BoxWarning     |
          |  Expande     -> Expand      |   NewMensaje  -> BoxMessage     |
          |  Ocurrencias -> Ocurrs      |   NewPregunta -> BoxQuery       |
          |  PilaCabeza  -> StackHead   |   Pan2File    -> Scr2File       |
          |  PilaCrea    -> StackNew    |   Pregunta    -> Query          |
          |  PilaPop     -> StackPop    |   RestPan     -> RestScr        |
          |  PilaPush    -> StackPush   |   SalvaPan    -> SaveScr        |
          |  PilaEmpty   -> StackEmpty  |   Ventana     -> Window         |
          |                             |   egPaleta    -> egPalette      |

     From 2.20a

        - Fixed a bug in Fire()

        - Fixed a bug in exit program

        - A new function FastPrint()

        - A new function FontEdit()!!!

        - New language module, SetAsturian()

     From 2.20b

        - Objects 2.0, OOPS engine!!!

        - Fixed a bug in FontEdit()

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson