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                |                                           |
                |     Fast Library For CA-Clipper 2.20c     |
                |                                           |
                |          (C) Manu Roibal Prieto.          |
                |                                           |

    All codes included in Fast Library For CA-Clipper and the documentation,
 example programs and this Norton Guide is a property of Manu Roibal.

    It is fully prohibited its shell or distribution by either Physics or
 juridic persons without the permission of the author.

    It is fully prohibited too using Fast Library For CA-Clipper for
 building Commercial Aplications without a previous registering.

        |F+--+     Fast Library For CA-Clipper (C) 1993 Manu Roibal Prieto
     #######+-|T |

    The OOPS engine included in Fast is the maravellous Objects 2.0.

           #                    #######               ##########           
         #####              ###############        ### ######## ###        
       #########          ############   ####     #  ########## #####         
     #############        #########  ########    #  ############ ####         
   #################      ###### ############    # ############ #####
 ########## ##########    ###################    # ########### ######
 ########## ###########   ###### ############# # ##  ################
  ######### ############# ############################## ### ################
      #####################   ########################## ## #################
          ###### # # # # #        #################     #####################
            Object Oriented Programing System For CA-Clipper 5 # ###########

  Objects (C) 1993 Antonio Linares
  Fast Library (C) 1993 Manu Roibal

    In order to register, fill out the register form that you will find
 in the "readme.txt" file (else you can print this guide's one) to the
 above adress:

     Manu Roibal Prieto
     C/ Paseo Cirilo Sagastagoitia 13 2. B izq
     Barakaldo 48903 Bizkaia
     Voice Phone 34-4-4992660
     2:344/3.428@fido.org - 2:344/17.9@fido.org - 57:201/1.428@redbbs.org

 +-| Fast Library For CA-Clipper 2.20c -------------------------------------+
 |                                                                          |
 | Name....: _____________________________________________________________  |
 |                                                                          |
 | Address.: _____________________________________________________________  |
 |                                                                          |
 | Zip Code: _______________ Country: ___________ Telephone: ___ _________  |
 |                                                                          |
 | Company.: _____________________________________________________________  |
 |                                                                          |
 | Price...: Intl Ver:    $ 100 + $ 10 S.P. Additional fees  **    $ 110 ** |
 |           Spa  Ver: 10.000 . + 500  Por gastos de envio   ** 10.500 . ** |
 |                                                                          |
 |  XT[ ]   286[ ]    386[ ]   486[ ]    VGA[ ]   Color[ ]  5.[ ]  3.[ ]    |
 |  SB[ ]   SBPro[ ]  DAC[ ]   Modem[ ]  VESA[ ]                            |
 |                                                                          |
 | Payment by:     Bank Check [ ]     Mail Order [ ]                        |

See Also: Technical Notes Thankfulness
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