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          Creates a structure of menu


         NewMenu( aOptions, aColors ) -> aMenu

         aOptions : Is a unidimensional array with the next structure:

                     { cOption1, cOption2, ..., cOptionN }

                    Each option can have a character ^ that indicates
                    that the next letter will be the one you could use
                    with Alt to access to the option.

         aColors  : An array with 9 elements with the colors of

                     - Non selected option
                     - Special letter of the non selected option
                     - Selected option
                     - Special letter of the selected option
                     - Items of the submenus
                     - Selected item of the submenus
                     - Non selectable items
                     - Special letter of the item of the submenus
                     - Special letter of the selected item of the submenus


         Creates a structure of the menu keeping all the structure and
         the colors' structure.


         An array with all the menus structure.


         aMenu := NewMenu( { "^System", "^Tools", "^Other" }, ;
                           { "N/W", "R/W", "W/B",  "W+/B", ;
                             "N/W", "W/B", "N+/W", "R/W", "GR+/B" } )

See Also: DispMenu()
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