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         Returns the contents of the ZIP file


         ZipFile ( cFile ) -> aZIP

         cFile : The name of the ZIP file


         Returns a bidimensional array with information about the contents
         of ZIP file.
         The subarrays have the following format:

           { cName, cFull, dDate, cTime, nSize, nComp, cRatio, cMeth, nNum }
           { cName, cFull, dDate, cTime, nSize, nComp, cRatio, cMeth, nNum }

         cName          File name
         cFull          File name with path
         dDate          Date of file
         cTime          Time of file
         nSize          Real size of file
         nComp          Compressed size
         cRatio         Compression ratio
         cMeth          Compression method
         nNum           Number of file


         An array with information about the contents of ARJ file.


         aZIP := ZipFile ( "C:\FastLib\Fast.Zip" )
         For nInd := 1 To Len ( aZIP )
           For nOther := 1 To Len ( aZIP [ nInd ] )
             ? aZIP [ nInd, nOther ]

See Also: ArjFile()
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