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                               dbReport 1.1
                              CA-Clipper 5.x

                            Copyright (c) 1993
                          Raymond J. Kuyvenhoven


    dbReport is a report generator for CA-Clipper 5.x.  It takes a
slightly different approach then many of the others I have seen.  It
does require some coding by the developer, however the trade off is
in the flexibility dbReport offers, while not becoming unwieldy.

    The documentation for dbReport is provided in this NG file.  I have
also included source code for a demo of dbReport.  Studying and
modifying this demo is probably the best way to learn to use dbReport.
If you find the documentation too sparse or unclear please let me know,
I am not the world's greatest writer and like all other programmers I
hate writing documentation .

    If you have any questions, suggestions, or criticisms feel free send
me a message.


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