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  .Group ##

    This command informs dbReport that the field(s) to check for a new
    group follows.  The group number must follow the .Group commands.
    If more than one field is used to determine a new group the fields
    are connected with either .AND. or .OR.  dbReport does not allow the
    use of brackets here.

      .Group 01
      Field1                  <- A new group occurs when this field has
                                 a new value.

      .Group 02
      Field1 .AND. Field2     <- A new group occurs when there are new
                                 values in both fields.

      .Group 03
      Field1 .OR. Field2      <- A new group occurs when either of these
                                 fields has a new value.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson