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  18.) Start db.exe:
   You can start dBTools with follow Parameters:
   (With "db /?" you can show it for you th follow dBTools-Synatx)

   "DB <File1 (+Index1)  File2 (+Index2)... [/Modus] [/Driver] [/Config]"

   Examples: DB                                 (without Parameter..)
     or: DB /?                                  (Syntax-Help)
     or: DB DEMO1                               (without [.dbf])
     or: DB DEMO1+INDEX1 DEMO2+INDEX2..         (dBase+Index File)
     or: DB NEW.DBF                             (New dBase-File)
     or: DB DEMO1.TXT                           (Text-File)
     or: DB DEMO1 DEMO2 READ.ME         (several Files)
     or: DB DEMO1.DBF C:\DEMO2.DBF D:\READ.ME   (several Files)

       -> Mode:    /E = Exclusive Mode (lokale Disk)
                   /S = Shared    Mode (Netzwerk)
       -> Driver.: /D = <Driver>       (Exemple: /d=dbfntx)
       -> Config. /*.cnf               (Exemple: File db.cnf)

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