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  2.) Make/Set Index's
   [- MultiIndex:]
      If you want to create a MultiIndex (with the Comix-Driver),
      you can set a TAG (Key-Expression).
      At a MultiIndex there will be automaticly a *.cdx File created, which
      will be opened at each Time you opening a new File.
      So you don't need to choose at a Multi-Index the Point SET INDEX to
      then SET ORTDER TAG to..!

   [- SubIndex:]
      A Subindex is a new "Under-Index" inside the a open current Index.
      Achtung: Dies ist nur mit dem Comix und Six-Driver m.glich!

   [- For/While:]
      Mit The For/While-Klausel k.nnen Sie bequem das bekannte Problem
      eines Filters im Browse-Fenster, n.mlich die Geschwindigkeit,
      umgehen, indem Sie statt eines Filters einen bedingten Index

   [- Seek(Search):]
      If you have choosed a combined Index-Key in your Index
      dBTools allow you automaticly a combined Search-Key Expression
      (with Alt+S or F3). But if you want to search just one Expression
       you can do this too.
       - Combined Seek-Search: [Search <Number+Project>: "123"+"Hallo"  ]
       - Simple Seek-Search  : [Search <Number+Project>: "123"          ]

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson