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                         .. dBTools Standard-Script..

  dBTools Script File for RTLINK

 FILE db.obj                        ## Main-File of dBTools
 #FI NOntx                          ## Uncomment this OBJ if you don't want
                                    ## to use the NTX-Driver
 #FI NOndx                          ## Uncomment this OBJ if you don't want
                                    ## to use the NDX-Driver
 FI NOmdx                           ## Comment out this OBJ if you want to
                                    ## to use the MDX-Driver
 FI NOcdx                           ## Comment out this OBJ, if you want to
                                    ## use the CDX-Driver and do <not> using
                                    ## the SIX-Driver too!
 FI NOsix                           ## Comment out this OBJ if you want to
                                    ## to use the SIX-Driver
 FI NOcmx                           ## Comment out this OBJ if you want to
                                    ## to use the COMIX-Driver
 FI NOpx                            ## Comment out this OBJ if you want to
                                    ## use the PX(Paradox)-Driver.
 LIB dbovl,db,dbrtl                 ## Clipper and dBTools Librarys
 LIB dbfndx                         ## Comment out this OBJ, if you don't
                                    ## want to use the NDX-Driver
 #LIB dbfmdx                        ## Uncomment his LIB, if you are using
                                    ## the SIX-Driver
 #LIB dbfcdx                        ## Uncomment his LIB, if you are using
                                    ## the SIX-Driver and not using DBFSIX!
 #LIB dbfsix                        ## Uncomment his LIB, if you are using
                                    ## the SIX-Driver and not using DBFCDX!
 #LIB machsix                       ## Uncomment his LIB, if you are using
                                    ## the SIX-Driver including MACHSIX.LIB.
 #LIB cmx                           ## Uncomment his LIB, if you want to
                                    ## use the Comix-Driver!
 #LIB dbpx                          ## Uncomment his LIB, if you are using
                                    ## the Paradox-Driver
 /STACK:7168                        ## Stack-Change for Comix-Driver

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson