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                              .. Functions ..

Fields direct insert/delete

 With Alt+ Plus or Minus key you can insert or delete a field without
 tuching the whole structure.

 When you press Alt+(+) (Plus) key:
  You are able to name the field: (Shift+F2 =field-choise)
  If the field is already set it will be all and appear again only to the
  If the field is new, you can give in the name, type, lenght, and dezimal
  points. Then the field will be set, before the actually field you are on,
  in the data and screen.

 When you press Alt+(-) (Minus) key:
  You can delete a field from screen with options "S" (from screen)
 or with option "F" (from file) without touching the data structure
  and loosing data or fields.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson