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 Set or get the active gets cursor position.


     SetGetCPos( [<nNewCursorPos>] ) --> <nOldCursorPos>


     <nNewCursorPos> is an optional new cursor position.  The value is
     used as a count from the first character position within a GET.

     <nOldCursorPos> is the currently set cursor position prior to
     running the function.


     SetGetCPos() always returns the cursor position within the current GET.


     SetGetCPos() is used to set or fetch a forced reposition of the
     cursor within a GET.

     SetGetCPos() is automatically reset back to 0 when it is used
     within the READERS.


     The following example is a code segement out of a VALID clause.  Its
     purpose is to set the cursor at the end of the data currently in the
     GET containing the value of cDepartment.


     IF lInvalid
        SetGetCPos( LEN( TRIM( cDepartment ) ) + 1 )

     RETURN !lInvalid

 Files:  Library is CUACLIP.LIB.

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