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                         . . .   LINKING   . . .
 Since the CUACLIP library replaces a number of the CA-Clipper internal
 functions when linking with the CUACLIP library it must be specified before
 the CA-Clipper library.

 The CUACLIP library is overlayable.  If you are using BLINKER you may include
 the library in the overlay area.

 If mouse support is desired the MOUSE library must be included.  The MOUSE
 library must be specified before the CUACLIP library and it is NOT
 overlayable.  To avoid the need to have the mouse initialization functions
 in the startup program and to have the mouse automatically unloaded from
 memory when an error occurs, include ERRORSYS.OBJ in the link.


     The following is an example of a link file (.lnk) used with RTLINK:

     FILE main
        FILE reports,printer,update,errorsys
     LIBRARY mouse,cuaclip,clipper,extend

     The following is an example of a link file (.lnk) used with BLINKER
     overlaying the CUACLIP library:

     LIBRARY mouse
        FILE main,reports,printer,update,errorsys
        LIBRARY cuaclip
     LIBRARY clipper,extend

     The following is an example of a link file (.lnk) used with BLINKER
     overlaying the CUACLIP library and using the 5.01 DBFNTX logical:
     index record pointer subsystem:

     LIBRARY mouse
        FILE main,reports,printer,update,errorsys,irecno,ntxpos,ntxrec
        LIBRARY cuaclip
     LIBRARY clipper,extend

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson