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   MainMenu.PRG - Main menu for the demo program.

   Author: Dave Rooney
   Date  : Feb. 22, 1993


#include "Demo.ch"


LOCAL nChoice,    ; // User selection from menu
      aMessages,  ; // Array storing message text
      PromptList, ; // Array for the menu prompts
      lExit         // Return flag

nChoice    := 0
PromptList := {}
lExit      := .F.

aMessages := { ;
   "Browse sample source code used for this demo program", ;
   "Browse the Clipper header file used for this demo program", ;
   "Browse the RMake script file used for this demo program", ;
   "Browse the linker script files used for this demo program", ;
   "Sample of the different features of the GET system", ;
   "Sample of using the event system to perform background processing", ;
   "Sample of using the GET and Event systems together", ;
   "Example of a simple STDBrowse", ;
   "Example of a full-featured STDBrowse with a menu" }

@ 0,2 PROMPT "~Browse" ;
   MESSAGE "Sample source code illustrating usage of the CUA-Clip Library" ;
   {  { " ~Source code examples  ", aMessages[1], {|| BrowseFile( "*.PRG" ) } }, ;
      { " ~Header file example   ", aMessages[2], {|| BrowseFile( "*.CH" ) } }, ;
      { " ~RMake script example  ", aMessages[3], {|| BrowseFile( "*.RMK" ) } }, ;
      { " ~Linker script examples", aMessages[4], {|| BrowseFile( "*.LNK" ) } }, ;
      { " ~All files             ", "", {|| BrowseFile( "*.*" ) } } }

@ 0,12 PROMPT "~Examples" ;
   MESSAGE "Examples of the various features of the CUA-Clip Library" ;
   {  { "GETs               ", aMessages[5], {|| GET_Examples(), .T. }, {|| .T. } }, ;
      { "Event System       ", aMessages[6], {|| Event_Examples(), .T. }, {|| .T. } }, ;
      { "GET & Event Systems", aMessages[7], {|| Combo_Examples(), .T. }, {|| .T. } }, ;
      { "Simple STDBrowse   ", aMessages[8], {|| Browse_Examples(), .T. }, {|| .T. } }, ;
      { "Cool STDBrowse     ", aMessages[9], {|| TheWholeThing(), .T. }, {|| .T. } } }

@ 0,22 PROMPT "~Quit" ;
   ACTION !( lExit := .T. ) ;
   MESSAGE "Exit and return to DOS"

   MENU TO nChoice SAVE USING LastMenu()

// EOP: MainMenu

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