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 Set or get the external event codeblock for MENU TO.


     SetMEvent( [<bEvent>] ) --> <bOldEvent>


     <bEvent> is an optional codeblock expression which is EVALuated by the
     MENU system when it has processed an event but was not able to utilize
     the event.  It must RETURN a logical indicating if it was able to use
     the event or not.


     SetMEvent() returns the current event codeblock.


     While the MENU system is in control and an input event happens from the
     keyboard or mouse, it tries to act according to the event.  Not all
     events are automatically handled.  In those cases where an event does
     not have default behaviour the MENU system will look to the SetMEvent()
     function.  If there is a behaviour codeblock set the current event
     value (LastInkey()) is sent to the codeblock.  If the codeblock was
     able to use the event it must return a true.  In addition to the event
     value the WITH expression (if supplied) is passed on to the codeblock.
     If the codeblock RETURNs a true (was able to use the event) the MENU TO
     is exited.


     #INCLUDE "inkey.ch"
     LOCAL nChoice
     LOCAL lMore   := .T.
     // exit when alt-x
     LOCAL bMEvent := { | nKey | IIF( nKey == K_ALT_X, ;
                                    ( lMore := .F., .T. ), .F. ) }

     SetMEvent( bMEvent )
     @ ... PROMPT ... ACTION ...
     @ ... PROMPT ... ACTION ...
     @ ... PROMPT ... ACTION ...

     WHILE lMore
        MENU TO nChoice USING LastMenu()

 Files:  Library is CUACLIP.LIB.

See Also: MENU TO LastMenu()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson