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Date       Rev     Comments
05-28-93   004     Made mostly internal changes to the database,
                   added data verified and location.  Added a few new BBSs
                   and updated a number of missing items.
                   Max Bressel is at it again... <g>
                   Wow, just over a month and already 4 releases!

05-18-93   003     Modified the process of updating this system,
                   so it takes me less time to make changes and overall
                   file creation. Added a few more BBSs and updated
                   existing records.
                   Also dug out my spell checker to fix a number of
                   "typos"    :)

05-12-93   002     Thanks to Curtis Palm (SofSolutions/Expert Help)
                   have restructured the file to keep it as small as possible.
                   There is now a .TXT (ASCII) version of this list.
                   Added several new fields and bulletin boards.

04-30-93   001     Initial release (what have I gotten myself into <g> ?)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson