STMP_M.ZIP code modified from July 93 Cadalyst tip #881 Lisp Routine to Place Current Time, Date, Drawing Name and operator's initials at selected location(s) and rotation (entered or picked). STMP.DWG accompanying this file must be in the ACAD path. Suggestions: insert STMP.DWG in your prototype drawing, include the command C:STMP in menu or keyboard save macros. To include operator's initials, put the line set intl=XXX (where XXX is the operator's initials) in the autoexec.bat or acad.bat file Text will be L60 (.06") when plotting scale = stamp block insertion scale, but the routine can be easily modified to suit. Revisions by ME... I wasn't happy with the way the time & date were displayed in the original lisp (stmp.lsp), so I modified all the things I needed to such that the time, date and drawing name are now displayed like this July 08, 1993 7:56:32 p.m. Drawing: C:\DATA\ME1177\1177_P10.DWG Xrefs: 1117.DWG 2436.DWG 2436A.DWG The stmp.dwg has been modified so that all the attributes are right-justified, and the block insertion point is the text insertion point of the drawing name. (Xrefs are not normally used in our drawings). This setup allows us to insert the block so that it is right-justified in the lower right-hand corner of our various border sheets. The stmp_me.dwg will be inserted on the current layer. One last addendum is the ever- present menu modification code, use or discard as ya see fit! [STAMP_ME]^C^C^C(IF (not c:stmp_me);(LOAD "stmp_me"));stmp_me; Good luck with this program, it was fun to edit it! ME Modifications by Mark Evinger