This program is written in Clipper. Clipper has a memory manager that lets users run a program larger than their available RAM. It's called Virtual Memory Management. DOS and Windows have a memory manager called EMM386. These two have always been designed to work hand in hand. The new EMM386.EXE in DOS 6.0 doesn't, it will conflict with the manager in all Clipper apps and lock them up. Hopefully, Microsoft will fix this. There are thousands of applications, from major corporation's business programs to small shareware programs, written in Clipper. For now, there are a couple of ways around this: You can change the EMM386 device in your 'config.sys' back to the windows device. It probably looks like this something like this now; DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS you can change it to; DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS Or you can install a 'switch' so that the two memory mangers don't conflict; DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS NOVCPI