Pop-up Alarm Options: This program has a built-in Pop-up Alarm Option. Once a callback time is entered on the bottom of an activity record, the Pop-up Alarm will remind you of the time, subject to a 'User defined warning', if any, in minutes. You can set the options associated with this feature if you branch into the Other Options Menu from the Main Program Menu. Once there, observe 'M': "M) Alarm " This selection allows you to establish defaults on the "Menu for pop- alarm". Your defaults are: Pop-up Alarm Options: (1) User defined warning before appointment, in minutes: (2) Global yes/no toggle, for pop-up alarm: ['T' or 'Y' = yes; 'F' or 'N' = no] By default, this feature is turned On, with the 'User defined warning' set to 5 minutes. A running log for the appointments of any one day is kept in 'POPUP.TXT', accessible at option A in the 'Background' Options Menu.