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Use it to move your man left, select a new coin, or move the selector square down or left. The ^1Delete Key^0 is used to move your man right, select a new coin, or move the selector square up or right. If you are entering numbers, use any of the number keys, although I recommend the number keys on the right hand side of the keyboard. The insert key will be interpreted as a '0' when a number needs to be entered. (For the benefit of more experienced computer users, the arrow keys and ENTER key work as well; however, Space, Ins, and Del are easier for young children, so we suggest that these be used. The program also automatically compensates for the NumLock on the keyboard, so there is no need to press this in ^1The Diver^0.) ^C* Name That Coin * Name that Coin helps your child recognize the name of each coin. Ten coins are displayed, one at a time, and you pick the name of the coin displayed. If you pick the wrong coin, the name of the coin is briefly shown above the coin selected. (In level one, the name remains above the coin and that coin cannot be incorrectly selected again.) Flippy dances for you when you get one right but shakes his head "no" when you make a mistake. Use the insert and delete keys to move the selector box. ^C* Pick the Coin * This time you select the coin that goes with the name written underneath the coins. (In level two, the names change to the value of the coins.) Use the insert and delete keys to move the selection box. Flippy will dance for you when you're right and shake his head when you make a mistake. ^C* Silly Seals * Flippy, the clown, takes you to see the seals. Try to get the coins needed to add up to the amount under the seal on the left. The amount you have is under the seal on the right. If you want the coin the seals are tossing, press the space bar. After two tosses the coin will change by itself, but if you want to change it before that, press the insert or delete key. If it takes more than eight coins to add up to the value under the left seal then the coins will pop off the screen and Flippy will put them in his pocket so you can continue to play. (In level one, Flippy gives you a hint. If he smiles, then you should take the coin. If he frowns, don't take it.) ^C* The Cycler * This time Flippy wants to buy some popcorn. He gives the vendor a dollar for the popcorn and he wants his change. The vendor wants Flippy the clown to catch his change as it falls, and to make it more difficult for Flippy he must catch it as he rides a unicycle. The amount of money you have caught is shown in the second box on the left. Use the Insert and Delete keys to move Flippy left and right. (In level one, Flippy will again give a hint with a smile.) ^C* Refreshment Time * Time for a break from counting money, but wait, you must pick the right coins in order to buy your food. Use the insert and delete keys to move Flippy under the coins you want to select and then press the space bar. The coin appears in the box on the right of the screen. In your pocket you only have the coins that are above Flippy's head, so be selective in your choice of coins. ^C* The Diver * Flippy has really done it this time. If you can get him to climb to the top of the ladder, Flippy says he will dive off a board into a bucket of water. Coins appear in the box on the right, and you must enter the value of the coins by using the number keys. If you get one right then Flippy moves up the ladder closer to the board. If you're on level one and you make a mistake, then nothing happens; but, if you're on level two, a mistake causes Flippy to move down the ladder. Get Flippy to the top of the ladder and see what happens! ^C* Bye Bye * This will end Flippy's Circus Coins, and Flippy will sadly say goodbye. When you play Flippy's Circus Coins with your child, point out the different coins and have your child say each coin's name, and it will help reinforce their coin recognition and counting skills. To run this program outside the BIG BLUE DISK menu, type: ^1CIRCUS^0. DISK FILES THIS PROGRAM USES: ^FCIRCUS.EXE ^FCIRCUS.PIC