,** savescreen routine called without buffer initialization ** /** restorescreen routine called without buffer initialization ** ,** copyscreen routine called without buffer initialization ** (** bclear routine called without buffer initialization ** (** bwrite routine called without buffer initialization ** O O INSERT INPUT DATA Line1: Line2: Line3: Line4: Line5: Copies: Press [CNTRL-W] to print or exit O O O O O O Press to print or [ESC] to exit WARNING: THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS MAGNETIC MEDIA. DO NOT BEND, PLACE OBJECTS ON TOP OF THIS PACKAGE, OR EXPOSE TO MAGNETIC FIELDS. (MOTORS TVs ETC.) INPUT DATA Name: 2nd line: Number of copies: Press [CNTRL-W] to print or exit O O O Press to print or [ESC] to exit Select your printer Epson C. Itoh (Dot matrix) C. Itoh (Daisy wheel) Brother (M-1509/M-1109) Brother (HR-20) Do you want boldface? MAIN MENU 1) Make a standard name label 2) Make a pencil name label 3) Make a mailing label 4) Print a warning label for disk mailers 5) Print a label on an envelope Enter your selection: Press [CNTRL-W] to exit program O return.chn BIG BLUE DISK presents... The Label Factory (version 1.3) by Tomas Gasper produced by ProBYTE Software in U.S.A. for the IBM PC and compatibles Copyright (C) 1986 by Tomas Gasper PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE