^1About The Happy Hacker "Hacking" is the art and science of "software surgery" -- the act of dissecting and modifying existing computer software systems. Now, most "hackers" will tell you that they hack for good and practical reasons -- for instance, to customize a piece of software to meet their particular needs. But beneath all this concern for practicality lies the ^1real^0 reason hackers hack -- the sheer compulsion to "tinker" with the status quo. A "Do Not Enter" sign tells a hacker "Go Ahead! I dare you!" When a hacker sees the "tip of the iceberg" showing in a program, he won't be content until he's brought the iceberg up on shore, melted it down, and used the water to make lemonade. We designed ^1The Happy Hacker^0 department of BIG BLUE DISK to aid you in your adventures in "manipulative creativity." In this section, we offer the "tools of the trade" -- utility programs that let you access the features and functions of your computer that are not normally available through simple or direct means. In addition to utilities, this section may also contain tutorials and programming tips that will enhance your hacking skills. Enjoy and learn!