STRING ART by Joel Ellis Rea When you run STRING ART, a fascinating pattern will weave itself across the screen. Once the pattern is completed, you can press a function key to "zoom-in" or "zoom-out" 20% at a time until only a small section of the pattern is displayed or until the pattern becomes a mere speck on the screen. Other function keys let you change the pattern's color. If you press a key other than a function key or wait 15 seconds before pressing anything, the program will proceed to another pattern. Consult the on-screen instructions for STRING ART's commands. STRING ART generates its patterns by creating an irregular polygon, then "folding" it a random number of times at evenly spaced intervals. It is inter- esting to note that the program draws the patterns in COLOR on the HIGH RESOLU- TION screen. We bet you thought it couldn't be done. In fact, IBM's BASIC 3.0 manual (Item #6361132), page 313, first paragraph; SAYS it can't be done. But we don't let little things like THAT stop us. Enough technical talk. Run the program... a little hi-tech cloud watching is good for the soul. DISK FILES THIS PROGRAM USES: STRNGART.EXE BRUN20.EXE RETURN.EXE