BLUE NOTES > Editor's note: This section will contain comments from you, the readers > of BIG BLUE DISK. Use the BLUELINE editor program to enter your comments > for future publication. > > Since this is the first issue of BIG BLUE DISK, we don't have any > comments that have come in by this route. Thus, we are filling this > column with messages taken from SOFT FIDO, our bulletin board system. > See the article "Big Blue Disk Online" elsewhere in this issue for details. -------------------- From: Chris Shively To: Sysop Subject: Format? Sysop and other Users, In Turbo Pascal is there a way to check and see if a disk is formatted properly before writing data to it? I've tried the $I compiler directive to trap for I/O errors but I still get 'Sector not found'! In the manual, I've been reading about interupts but I do not have the needed experience in assembler to even attempt this option. Please, PLEASE, leave any info that you may have. Thanks, Chris Shively. > I can't think of any way to trap such an error, short of writing an > assembly language routine to do the disk I/O. Do any of the hackers > out there know a better way? -------------------- From: Jason Culverhouse To: Chris Shively Subject: Format Chris, You can run CHKDSK on the disk. This will report any errors, bad sectors, etc. It is always good to run CHKDSK on every formatted disk. Jason. > That's a good idea. But, I think what was asked for is a way to do > such a check within a program, to prevent an ugly crash if the user > failed to take the precaution of checking a disk before inserting it > as a data disk. -------------------- From: Jim Speiser To: All Subject: ParaNEt Unidentified Flying Objects. Astral Projection. Mysterious burning deaths. Extrasensory Perception. Plesiosaurs in our lakes. Reincarnation... . Man is surrounded by mysteries. His fascination with the unknown is as old as knowledge itself. But until now, much of our ignorance of these subjects could be ascribed to lack of suitable mass communications. Many of the myths surrounding these mysteries were propagated because there was no way to get the right knowledge to the right people. . Now, in the 20th Century, on the edge of the Communications/Information Revolution, there is no excuse. Now we have the capability of putting Man's sum total of knowledge at everyone's fingertips. . Now, there is The Other Side. . The Other Side is a computer Bulletin Board System (BBS) operated by The National Fringe Sciences Information Service in Fountain Hills, AZ. It is the flagship board of the ParaNet system, which is a planned network of such boards around the country, dedicated to the enlightenment of individuals seeking the truth about the paranormal. To become enlightened, dial 602-837-0062. . We await your call. . Past-life therapy. Magick & Witchcraft. Astrology. Unexplained skyfalls. The Bermuda Triangle. Near Death Experiences..... ****************** We are continually looking for operators to expand the ParaNet system to all areas of the country. If you are interested in becoming a ParaNet Sysop, please call THE OTHER SIDE and leave a message to the Sysop. There are no charges associated with ParaNet. -------------------- From: Nevin Nobles To: All Subject: Wanted I am looking for a "C" compiler for a reasonable price. If you have one or know of one, please leave me a note. I would like as current version if at all possible. thank you. Nevin -------------------- From: Coty Rosenblath To: Nevin Nobles Subject: C Compiler Nevin, If you are looking for a reasonably priced C compiler, I think your best bet would be Mark Williams Let's C Compiler. It is listed in the PC Brand ad on page 22 of the August 1986 edition of PC Magazine for $129.00 with a source level debugger and $69.00 without. I have not personally used this product; however, I have read several favorable reviews. A strong point of this product is that if one becomes more serious about C, Mark Williams also sells a professional C development system. Hope this information is helpful. Sincerely, Coty Rosenblath -------------------- From: Mark Clevenger To: Nevin Nobles Subject: C COMPILER NEVIN TRY THE C USERS GROUP, BOX 97, McPHERSON.KS. 67460 (316)241-1065 MARK