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 (S)cript Questionnaire

 Subcommands:  NONE

               A script questionnaire is a set of questions that the system
               operator has set up where the answers that you provide will be
               recorded in a file for later analysis or processing.

               If no questionnaires have been defined, you will be told such
               and returned to the main command line.  If scripts are
               present, you will be displayed a menu of them, including a
               number of the choices available.  To complete a script, enter
               the number indicated.

               After selecting a valid number, you will be displayed a brief
               description of the what the questionnaire is for and asked
               whether or not you wish to continue.  If you indicate (Y)es, the
               script will begin execution.  During execution, you will be
               displayed a prompt of one or more lines which will ask you a
               question, followed by an input field in which you can enter
               your response.  You are limited to a one line response for
               each question asked.  Responses can not be longer than the
               brackets shown above the input line.  Attempting to exceed the
               input length will cause the host to send you a BEEP and will
               pause awaiting either the shortening of your reponse or the
               pressing of your (Enter) key.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson