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 (Y)our Mail Check

 Subcommands:  (A) (S) (NS) (+) (-) (C)

               (A)  scans all message bases
               (S)  scans only for mail left since the last message read
               (C)  limits scan to current message base only
               (+)  or (-) forces the direction of the scan
               (Q)  display in Quick Scan format
               (L)  display in Long Scan format
               (NS) displays text output in non-stop mode

 Description:  Allows checking for mail left to you or from you in a message
               base.  The above commands can be entered in combination on the
               same line to limit the scan function as desired.  The default
               for the (Y) command is to scan the current message base only,
               in reverse direction, checking for mail left by you as well
               as for mail addressed to you and to scan the complete message
               base, from the end of the file to the beginning.

               You can select which areas you want to be scanned when using
               the (A) subcommand by typing SELECT or by using the
               (W)rite User Info command.

 Quick Scan:   The Quick Scan format provides a display that looks something
               like this:
                                 Messages  Messages
               Num   Conference   To You    Found
               ---   ----------  --------  --------
                 0   Main Board         0        18
                 1   Support            5        35
                 2   DOOR               2        14

 Long Scan:    The Long Scan format provides more detail such as message
               numbers found and looks something like this:

               Scanning Main Board
                 Msgs For You: None
                Msgs From You: None
                 # Msgs Found: 18

               Scanning Support (1) Conference
                 Msgs For You: 100 101 102 103 104
                Msgs From You: 89 94
                 # Msgs Found: 0

               Scanning DOOR (2) Conference
                 Msgs For You: 25 48
                Msgs From You: None
                 # Msgs Found: 0

See Also: (R)ead (Q)uick
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson