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 (RM) Read Marked Message

 Subcommands:  None

               While there are no subcommands the RM function can take any of
               three separate forms:

               RM   Read the marked message and stop
               RM+  Read the marked message then continue going forward
               RM-  Read the marked message then continue going backward

 Description:  When reading messages you can use the (M)ark Message command
               to tell the system to remember that number for you so that you
               can easily go back to it.  To return to that Marked Message
               you simply issue one of the above three RM commands.

 Tips:         To redisplay and possibly capture the message you are
               currently reading you could issue a command such as this:

                    M RM NS

               It first marks the message you are reading, then it re-reads
               that message in NON-STOP mode.  Another form of the same thing
               if you wanted to re-read that message and then keep going
               would be:

                    M RM+

               NOTE:  You must be in the conference where you marked the
               message in order for the system to properly locate it.

See Also: (End of Message)
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson