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MGI VideoWave® 3.5 for Windows®
Welcome to MGI VideoWave 3.5 - PC Video made even easier!

System Requirements

For DV and MPEG2 Editing
Operating System
Software Drivers

New Features in MGI VideoWave 3.5

Save Custom Templates
Sorting Audio and Video files in the Library
MP3 Sound file support
Video CD support
Extract Image
Half D1 video capture support
Microsoft ASF video support

General Notes and Trouble shooting

Installing, uninstalling VideoWave
Realtime MPEG Capture
Enhancing Capture Performance
Preview Problems
USB Cameras and Capture devices
General Program Use

Technical Support

System Requirements

Minimum System

  • 266 MHz Pentium II (or equivalent)
  • 64 MB of RAM
  • 45 MB of free hard drive space for program
  • 1 GB of free hard drive space for video editing
  • Video card with 4 MB of video RAM, minimum 800 x 600 resolution at 16-bit hi-color (65,000 colors); Direct Draw Drivers recommended
  • 16-bit stereo sound card and speakers
  • CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
  • Analog capture card (required for analog video capture)

Minimum Recommended System for DV and MPEG-2 Editing

  • 350 MHz Pentium II (or equivalent)
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 45 MB of free hard drive space for program
  • 6 GB of free hard drive space for video editing, (Ultra DMA, SCSI-2 sub-system recommended)
  • Video card with 4 MB of video RAM, minimum 800 x 600 resolution at 16-bit hi-color (65,000 colors); Direct Draw Drivers recommended
  • 16-bit stereo sound card and speakers
  • CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
  • An OHCI Compliant IEEE-1394 card (required for digital video capture)

Operating System Requirements

VideoWave supports the following operating systems:

  • Windows 95 OSR1
  • Windows 98
  • Windows 98 SE (preferred operating system)
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 3 required, Service Pack 5 recommended)

Software Drivers

We recommended that you locate and install the latest available software drivers for your video and audio capture hardware before using MGI VideoWave. If you are unsure as to whether you have the latest drivers, contact the hardware manufacturer for driver information.

New Features in VideoWave 3.5

Save Custom Templates

VideoWave now lets you create and save specific custom settings as templates for future use. Settings can be saved in the following modes: Darkroom, Special Effects, Text, and Video Animator.

This is a great new feature that adds convenience to VideoWave�s powerful custom editing functions. You can save all your custom settings to a template list in the Library, and use the settings for different video projects.

  • For the Darkroom, save Brightness, Contrast and Color settings
  • For Special effects, save the intensity of effects, plus the Start, Hold and Finish settings
  • For Text Effects, store font sizes, colors, fades, motion paths for Start, Hold and Finish, and any text you had typed
  • And for the Video Animator, save the size, direction and transparency of video blends, plus the Start, Hold and Finish values

For each of these modes, the Library panel now contains the Custom tab that lists any templates you had saved.

To create a Custom template:

Enter the settings you want in the Mode console, then click the Save button.
Enter a description for the template, then click the Apply button to have the template added to the Custom list in the Library
To apply a saved Custom template to your scene, select the Custom tab on the Library and double-click a template. Or, drag the template from the Library to the effect window on the Mode console.

To save the template, click Save or Save as on the Library menu. To load a previously saved template, click Open on the Library menu and browse to the saved file.

Sorting Audio and Video files in the Library

Audio and video files can now be sorted by system path, name, or file type, or according to the order in which they were loaded into the Library (unsorted). To sort, select an audio or video file and right-click the mouse. On the menu, select the Sort flyout.

MP3 sound file support

VideoWave now lets you load MP3 sound files (.mp3, .m3p) that can be added to your video scenes. Any MP3 files loaded onto the Library are automatically converted to WAV files, and renamed with the .wav extension.

Swing Transitions

Eight additional transition effects have been included. These are: Swing In/Out from Left, Right, Top or Bottom.

Video CD support

VideoWave now recognizes the DAT extension of video CD files, letting you use Video CDs as an input source for video.

Extract Image

In the Cutting Room, images that are extracted from your video now default to the last saved file format (BMP, JPG or TIF) instead of simply BMP.

Support for Half D1 video capture

With a compatible video capture card, VideoWave now supports 352 X 480 capture (otherwise known as Half D1). This is the ideal frame size for capturing, editing, and producing VHS quality video on a PC. This resolution corresponds almost exactly with the true resolution of VHS tape, and is also ideal for playback on the average home television.

Microsoft ASF video support

A video streaming format designed for the Internet. Videos produced to the ASF format are of relatively low size, making them ideal for distribution over networks. However, they are not designed to be used as source files.

General notes and Trouble shooting

Install / Uninstall

After installing VideoWave and having my computer restart I was prompted for my Windows 98 CD.

During the installation of VideoWave a number of files are installed to update the DV portion of Windows. This installation is performed by a Microsoft installation procedure, and may require the Windows 98 CD.

Realtime MPEG capture

VideoWave has the ability to capture and save video files directly into the MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 format, which can maintain video quality while taking up less disk space than other formats. To capture to MPEG, select or create an MPEG video capture template from the Capture Settings dialog (see the Producing your Video section of the user manual for instructions on how to create and edit templates).


During capture, if I click the mouse cursor outside of the Viewscreen (such as on the VideoWave interface) the capture stops.

Because capture is very processor-intensive, VideoWave has been designed to abort the capture if it detects any user activity that might degrade the quality of the capture. This activity includes accessing other areas of the program or an attempt to launch another program.

I can't put my computer in Standby mode.

Standby mode is a feature of Windows 98 that lets you put your computer in a power saver or "sleep" mode via the Sleep key on the keyboard (if you have a Windows 98 keyboard), or by selecting Stand by from the Shut Down Windows dialog.

If you are using VideoWave in Capture mode, Standby mode is disabled. To put your computer in Standby mode, you must first exit Capture mode.

I am using my ATI All-in-Wonder 128 to capture from prerecorded videotape and the capture has intervals of green frames.

If the videotape contains a copy-protection scheme, the ATI driver automatically detects this and makes it impossible to effect a clean capture.

If the videotape is not copy protected and the captured video displays intervals of green frames, your All-in-Wonder 128 software driver may be installed incorrectly. Try re-installing the latest version of the driver.

After capturing video with the ATI All In Wonder 128 using the ATI BT829 driver, I see a capture report that indicates 'No Video Captured.'

Instead of the BT829, use the ATI Multimedia Driver, found in the Capture Device drop-down list in the Settings dialog.

I am using my ATI All-in-Wonder Pro. When I enable Preview and Overlay, the captured video is unacceptable.

Preview and/or Overlay may need to be disabled for proper video capture with the ATI All-In-Wonder Pro.

I am using an ATI video capture card. Sometimes my audio settings mysteriously change whenever I restart VideoWave.

This is a known issue with the ATI capture devices. For more information please contact ATI at

I am using the Matrox G200. When I enter capture mode and make any adjustments, the preview window disappears.

This is due to a deficiency in the release version of the Matrox Drivers. Please ensure that you download and install the latest drivers from Matrox.

I am using the Matrox G200. If I exit Capture mode and then re-enter Capture mode, the settings are reset to default. Why are my settings lost?

This is due to a deficiency in the release version of the Matrox Drivers. Please ensure that you download and install the latest drivers from Matrox.

I am using the Matrox G200. When I capture, my video appears in black and white.

This is due to a deficiency in the release version of the Matrox Drivers. Please ensure that you download and install the latest drivers from Matrox.

I am using the Matrox G200. When I enter capture mode the video appears very bright.

This is due to a deficiency in the release version of the Matrox Drivers. Click the Show Controls button in VideoWave and select Reset. This will correct the error in the driver.

I am using the Matrox G200. I cannot capture at the 80x60 resolution.

This is due to a deficiency in the release version of the Matrox Drivers. The drivers will not capture at this resolution.

I am using my Matrox G200 to capture from a prerecorded videotape and I get an error message.

The Matrox driver automatically detects the presence of a copy protection scheme on the tape and prevents capture.

I have a Matrox G200 card. If I create an MPEG2 capture template based on 720x480, VideoWave will sometimes crash.

The MPEG encoder within VideoWave will accept only prescribed resolutions as set out on the MPEG specification. Since the Matrox card allows a maximum resolution of only 704x480, setting capture to 720x480 will sometimes cause VideoWave to crash.

I am using the Matrox G200 under Windows NT 4.0. When I click Capture, a message appears indicating that the hardware is not present or not responding.

Due to a limitation of the Matrox driver under Windows NT, you must set your system display to 16-bit (65,000 colors) for capture.

I have created a capture template in which I have selected 'Synchronize to Video.' The resulting file contains audible static.

The standard setting for capture is 'Synchronize to Audio.' Using this setting will eliminate the static from your captures. If the static still occurs, confirm that the card and drivers are properly installed.

I am having sporadic problems capturing at high data rates and/or high resolutions.

To improve the performance of your captures, ensure that your disk drives are defragmented before capturing video. Regularly defragmenting your hard disk will help maintain optimum read and write speeds, which is necessary for capturing at higher data rates.

To defragment your hard disk:

  1. Shut down all running programs
  2. Launch the Windows 'Disk Defragmenter' program from the Start menu by pointing to Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Disk Defragmenter.

I am getting the following error during capture:

'Capture has been aborted due to an unexpected error. Error: General Access Denied.'

This error is generally associated with reaching the Windows file limits. The limits are:

  • FAT16 = Windows98, 98SE, 95, NT4 = 2Gb
  • FAT32 = Windows98, 98SE, 95 (OSR1 or later) = 4Gb
  • NTFS = no practical limit, however there is a 4Gb limit to AVI files.
  • If a VFW capture driver is being used to write the file, AVI file size limit is always 2Gb.

I am using a capture card that is not specifically listed on your website. Will it work with VideoWave?

If your card has drivers that are designed for your version of Windows, you should be able to use it with VideoWave. Periodically check the MGI website (, as we add new downloadable capture templates for various devices on a regular basis.

I am using a capture card that is not specifically listed on your website. When I enter the Capture Settings dialog there are no capture templates available.

To create templates for your card click the Create button. Follow the dialog prompts to create and save templates for your capture card.

When I am capturing video using an MPEG template, any changes I make to the audio template selection has no effect.

When capturing video to MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 the audio settings are controlled via the Video Template. To make changes to the audio capture settings, you can modify an existing MPEG template or create a new one. To avoid overwriting an existing template, it is recommended that you create and save a new capture template.

To create a new capture template:

  1. In Capture mode, click the Settings button. The Capture Settings dialog appears.
  2. Select the Video Template tab.
  3. Click the Create button. The Create Video Capture Template dialog appears.
  4. From the File Type drop down list, select MPEG. Type in a name and description in the respective text fields, then click Next.
  5. The audio settings can now be adjusted. To apply the settings and save the template, click the Finish button.

I am using a localized version of Windows, and the capture setting keep defaulting to PAL, when I require NTSC.

VideoWave detects the Country settings in Windows and will automatically default to the standard broadcast format that is used for that country. For example, if you are using a French version of Windows and have installed the French version of VideoWave, VideoWave will automatically set the capture to PAL. In this instance, changing the regional settings in Windows to French Canadian instead of Standard French will set the default video format to NTSC.

I have a Compaq with a SoundBlaster LIVE and Windows ME (Millennium). When I try to capture sound from a CD all I hear is a buzzing sound.

VideoWave has not been fully tested with Windows ME. However, this particular problem can be solved by disabling the Digital CD Audio option in the Windows device manager. To disable the Digital CD Audio option in Windows ME:

  1. On the Windows task bar, click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the System icon.
  3. Click the Device Manager tab.
  4. Find the device name 'CD-ROM drive', and click this icon.
  5. Highlight the CD-ROM drive, and click the Properties button.
  6. Click the Settings tab, and deselect the 'Enable digital CD audio for this ROM device' check-box.
  7. Click OK to exit this dialog, then click OK to exit the Properties dialog.
  8. Restart your computer to enable the changes.

Enhancing Capture Performance

Enabling DMA

Your hard drive may not be able to sustain a high enough data rate to provide a smooth capture of a video stream. The performance of Ultra DMA hard drives is improved if the 'DMA transfer' option is enabled for the drive. This solution should be approached with caution, as not all hard drives support this feature, and they are not compatible with every system. If you are unsure as to whether your system can handle DMA transfers, please contact your hardware manufacturer.

To enable DMA transfer for hard drives under Windows 95 and Windows 98:

  1. On the Windows task bar, click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the System icon.
  3. Click the Device Manager tab.
  4. Find the device name 'Disk Drives', and click this icon. You should see several drives listed. Find 'Generic IDE Disk Type 47.'
  5. Highlight this drive, and click the Properties button.
  6. Click the Settings tab, and select the DMA control.
  7. Click OK to exit this dialog, then click OK to exit the Properties dialog.
  8. Restart your computer to enable the changes.

Please note that if your system has a custom device driver for your hard drive, it may not be possible to enable DMA.

Defragmenting your Hard Disk

To improve the performance of your captures, ensure that your disk drives are defragmented before capturing video. Regularly defragmenting your hard disk will help maintain optimum read and write speeds, which is necessary for capturing at higher data rates.

To defragment your hard disk:

  1. Shut down all running programs
  2. Launch the Windows 'Disk Defragmenter' program from the Start menu by pointing to Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Disk Defragmenter.


When capturing DV, many frames of video appear to have been dropped.

To improve the performance of your captures, ensure that your disk drives are defragmented before capturing video.

When I preview DV video, the on-screen preview in VideoWave is out of sync with the video on my camcorder.

This may occur if your system cannot manage the current Preview size setting. We recommend that you set the Preview size to 360x240 for NTSC or 360x288 for PAL. To change your Preview size:

  1. Click the Menu button, and select Preferences.
  2. Select the Preview Tab.
  3. From the Preview Size list, select a lower value.

When previewing DV video, the displayed video is smaller than the Viewscreen in which it is playing.

Change your Viewscreen Preview size:

  1. Click the Menu button, and select Preferences.
  2. Click the Preview Tab.
  3. From the Preview Size group, select 360x240 for NTSC or 360x288 for PAL.

This will give you a 1/4 size DV preview in VideoWave that fills the Viewscreen. If you wish to preview full-size DV video on your screen, change the preview size to 720 X 480 for NTSC, or 720 X 576 for PAL.

Note: Full size preview will only be enabled for screen resolutions of 1152 X 864 or higher.

Capturing video from a DV camcorder that is in pause mode causes the captured audio to sound very strange.

This is a limitation of DV capture. To eliminate this, discard the audio portion of your capture.

I get a couple of seconds of black video when I start to capture from DV.

Your DV camcorder may take several seconds to begin playback when the Play button is clicked in VideoWave. VideoWave will record black video until the camcorder actually begins video playback.

VideoWave does not recognize my camcorder.

Check the MGI website ( for the latest list of supported camcorders.

I have just installed VideoWave. When I enter capture mode there is no preview in the window and the file I captured is invalid.

This is a condition that occurs when the capture mode is invoked for the first time with certain cameras. To correct this, close and reopen capture mode.

Preview Problems

Sometimes when I play back a file that had been produced using the DV codec, file stops playback for long periods of time.

Due to limitations in the Microsoft DV codec, files produced using the standard DV audio sampling rate of 32 kHz may experience playback problems during preview (this problem interferes with preview only, and has no effect on the file's ability to be transmitted back to the DV camera). To solve the playback problem, create a new DV Produce template (or edit an existing DV Produce template) that produces the audio portion of the file to 44.1 or 48 kHz (see the Producing your Video section of the user manual for instructions on how to create and edit templates).

USB Cameras and Capture Devices

VideoWave supports several USB video cameras. For a complete list of the supported USB devices, visit the MGI website (

I am using a USB Camera for capture. How can I make the process more efficient?

Create one or more capture templates using the settings that your camera is capable of. This lets you conveniently load the appropriate template with your predefined capture settings, instead of manually entering the settings each time you want to capture.

I am experiencing problems capturing from my USB Camera.

The capture drivers supplied by many USB camera manufacturers do not have the necessary components to interact effectively with VideoWave. In these cases, we recommend that you use the capture program supplied with your USB camera. The captured clips can then be added manually to the VideoWave library for editing.

I am using a USB Camera for capture. When I am capturing video it shows that almost every frame is being dropped.

Due to an error in some USB Camera drivers, it may be reported that some frames are being dropped during capture. In reality, the file is being captured properly with no dropped frames.

General Program Use

I cannot load video files from a DVD into VideoWave.

VideoWave does not support DVD's 'VOB' files. In addition, many DVD titles are copy protected and cannot be duplicated or manipulated in any application.

I downloaded an MPEG-2 file with the file extension .vbs. Why can I not use it in VideoWave?

MPEG files with the .vbs extension are 'variable bitstream' files, and are not compatible with VideoWave.

When I add large text with soft shadows to a clip, I notice that it takes a long time to produce.

In some cases, large text with soft shadows may cause a delay at the beginning of the produce process. Using smaller text or eliminating the soft shadow will speed up your productions.

I am have a Matrox Marvel G200 and have created a Produce template using the Matrox MJPEG codec. Each time I try to produce the file I get the following error:

"Insufficient memory to complete file!"

"Please produce with a smaller frame size and/or reduced frame rate"

This problem is due to an error in the Matrox driver. To avoid this error message, use only those frame sizes that begin with 176, 352 or 704 when creating a Produce template using the Matrox MJPEG codec.

When using VideoWave, selecting the Large Fonts setting in the Windows Display Properties dialog will cause parts of the VideoWave interface to become corrupted and not display properly. To avoid this, set your display to Small Fonts.

To change the Font Size to Small:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Settings >> Control Panel.
  2. From the Control Panel, double-click the Display icon.
  3. In the Display Properties dialog, select the Settings tab, then click the Advanced button. In the dialog that appears, select the General tab, then select Small Fonts from the Font Size drop-down list.
  4. Select OK to close the dialogs. 

Technical Support

North America

MGI Software Corp.
50 West Pearce Street
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Canada L4B 1E3

Telephone: (905) 764-8447
Fax: (905) 707-3694


MGI Software
P.O. Box 7412
Carrisbrook House
122 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge
Dublin 4, Ireland

Telephone: (+353) 1 8340034
Fax: (+353) 1 8340035


Systems Comunicazioni Srl
Via Olanda, 6
20083 Vigano di Gaggiano (MI)

Telephone: 02 90841 692
Fax: 02 90841 682


MGI Software Asia
9F-1, No. 167
Yung-Chi Road
Taipei, Taiwan

Telephone: (+886) 2 2763 7881 Ext. 151
Fax: (+886) 2 2763 7853


Support Group Services
Ground Floor
14 Spink Street
Gardenvale, Victoria
3186 Australia
ATTN: MGI Technical Support Australia

Telephone: 03 9929 9735
Fax: 03 9929 9787


Sumitomo Soft (Sumitomo Metal System Development Co.)
Sumitomo Metal System Development Support Center
Mita 3-11-36 (Mita Nittou building)
Minato-ku, Tokyo
Japan 108-0073

Telephone: (+81)03-5476-9802
Fax: (+81)03-5476-9886


A-#1917, Samho Officetel 271-1
Yanjae-dong, Seocho-Gu,
Seoul , South Korea

Telephone: 82-2-589-1061
Fax: 82-2-589-1062

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Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1E3

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