Please be sure you read the article called "Your Worst Mistake". That article helps people who are shopping for a home. You read that article by clicking on the HELP tab or clicking on the icon called AbbiSoft's Home-Plan Finder Help. The help also has useful information for people who sell, build or design homes. (see the document called "Getting Down To Business" found in the Help) If you have trouble installing the software, here is some information that might help you: You need to shut down all other programs before running the install. Other programs might be using files we need to update. Try shutting down all other programs and then re-install this software. If the error is because of the file 'THREED.VBX' and shutting down all programs and rerunning install doesn't solve the error, then you'll need to do this: Your computer has an older version of THREED.VBX that won't allow itself to be replaced while Windows is running. To correct this problem you will have to exit Windows and copy the THREED.VBX from our CD-ROM into your system directory. Here is how you do this: Shut down Windows. (Note for the next instructions, we are using 'C:' for your hard drive and 'D:' for your CD-ROM drive, if your drive letters are different then use the appropriate letters for these instructions. Also, if your Windows System directory is not called 'WINDOWS\SYSTEM' then substitute your system directory name for these instructions) At the DOS prompt, type the following commands C: RENAME \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\THREED.VBX THREED.OLD COPY D:\THREED.VBX C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\THREED.VBX