EVY7US.TXT Envoy 7 Release Notes Rev. Aug.21, 1996 ================================================================= These release notes contain the latest product information for Envoy (TM) 7 for Windows 95. See online Help and the user's guide (EVY7US.EVY) for important information about using Envoy. ================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS This file is organized into the following sections: 1. System Requirements 2. Compatibility Between Envoy 1.X and Envoy 7 3. Installation 4. Installation Troubleshooting 5. General Troubleshooting 6. Bitstream TrueDoc Font Embedding 7. Technical Support ================================================================= 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS To run the applications in Corel Office Professional 7, you need the following: - Personal computer with 386DX processor (486 recommended) - Microsoft(R) Windows 95 - 8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended) - Hard disk space*: - Envoy only: 7 MB for a complete install - VGA Graphics Adapter and monitor - Mouse * Disk space requirements vary according to the sector size of the hard disk. The Setup program indicates the correct figure for your destination disk. ================================================================= 2. COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN ENVOY 1.X AND ENVOY 7 Although you can run both Envoy 1.x and Envoy 7 under Windows 95 and on the same machine, we recommend that you don't. For best results, make sure everyone in your workgroup (all those who will share Envoy files) install and use the same version of Envoy. For example, everyone should install and use EITHER Envoy 1.0a OR Envoy 7, but not both. Envoy 7 .EVY files created under Windows 95 will open only on another system where Envoy 7 is installed. Envoy Runtime (.EXE) files also require Windows 95. Earlier versions of Envoy files (1.0 and 1.0a for Windows and for Macintosh) will open in the Envoy 7 Viewer, but the reverse is not true. ================================================================= 3. INSTALLATION To install Envoy on your computer's hard drive, 1. Select Envoy during the suite installation. 2. Follow the on-screen prompts. ================================================================= 4. INSTALLATION TROUBLESHOOTING 4.1 If Envoy does not function properly after installing on your computer's hard drive, check that the following files have been installed to the locations listed below. (Note: If you have chosen Compact installation, some of the files below will not appear. If you have chosen Network installation, the files will appear in the network folder you have selected.) Installed in the WINDOWS folder: WIN.INI: Driver information Created in the WINDOWS folder the first time you exit Envoy: EVYPATHS.BIN: A file Envoy creates and uses for hypertext links between documents Installed in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder: *ENVOYD7.DRV: The Envoy printer driver. If the Envoy 7 Driver does not appear in your list of available printer drivers after you install, restart your computer. *EVYD7XX.DLL: The language resource file for ENVOYD7.DRV. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVYSH7.DLL: Windows 95 shell extension EVYSH7XX.DLL: The language resource file for EVYSH7.DLL. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) *EVYXPI7.DLL: An extended printer interface *EVYRN7XX.EXE: Lets the Envoy 7 Driver create files with long filenames. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) *These files are not installed if you have not purchased the Envoy 7 Driver. The Envoy Viewer can function without these driver files. Installed in the WIN95\START MENU under Corel Office 7: ENVOY 7: The Envoy Viewer icon found on the Start menu Installed in the OFFICE7\ENVOY7 folder: DVSETUP7.EXE: The file used to copy the Distributable Viewer ENVOY7.EXE: The Envoy Viewer EVY7XX.TXT: This release notes file, in ASCII text format (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVYDSTXX.TXT: Release notes file for the Distributable Viewer. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVYLCDXX.TXT: The licensing agreement for the Distributable Viewer. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) ENVOY7\SYSTEM: A folder that contains system files for Envoy 7 ENVOY7\SPOOL: An empty folder used as a destination for spooling multiple .EVY documents from the Envoy Driver Installed in the ENVOY7\SYSTEM folder: DVRES7XX.DLL: The Envoy Printer Driver resources. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) ENVOY7.EX_: ENVOY.EXE before decompression, which is used to build Runtime Viewers EVY7XX.DL_: EVY7XX.DLL before decompression. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVY7XX.DLL: The Envoy Viewer language resources. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVYGW7.EXE: A file that makes it possible to send Envoy files using GroupWise e-mail EVYPKG7: The Envoy packager stub, which is used to build Runtime Viewers EVYPRINT.INF: A file that makes it possible to install ENVOY7.DRV using the Windows 95 Add Printer Wizard. See "Envoy 7 Driver" under Section 5, "General Troubleshooting." EVYR7XX.HL_: The Envoy Runtime Viewer online Help file before decompression. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVYXH7.DLL: A file necessary to create Web links and to use Help Online EVYXH7XX.DLL: Language resource file for EVYXH7.DLL. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) Installed in the ENVOY\SAMPLES folder: EVY7US.EVY: A user's guide for Envoy that takes you step-by-step through several common Envoy tasks *.EVY: Sample files you need in order to complete the lessons in the user's guide C:\MYFILES: A folder where you can save .EVY and .EXE files that you create. You will need this folder to complete the lessons in the user's guide. If you have performed a custom or typical install, the following browse web files are installed in the OFFICE7\SHARED\PFIT7 folder: BRSWEBXX.DLL: A file needed to browse the World Wide Web and use Help Online. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) BRWSWBXX.DLL: Lanuage resources for BRSWEBXX.DLL. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) If you have performed a custom or typical suite install, the following Help files are installed in the OFFICE7\SHARED\HELP7 folder: EVY7XX.CNT: The Contents page for the Help file. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVY7XX.HLP: The Envoy online Help file. (XX stands for a language code. Several languages may be installed.) EVY7US.NLI: A file necessary to find Envoy information using Ask the Perfect Expert in other Corel Office Professional 7 applications. ---------------------------------------- 4.2 RUNTIME VIEWER FILES When you open an Envoy runtime file on a machine where Envoy has not been installed, the following files are created in the Windows folder (for example, C:\WINDOWS): EVYRTE7.EXE EVYRTD7.DLL EVYR7XX.HLP The first time the help file is opened, two more files are created: EVYRTH7.FTS EVYRTH7.GID ================================================================= 5. GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING For detailed information about using Envoy, see online Help and the user's guide (EVY7US.EVY). If you have installed Netscape Navigator(TM), you can also find current information on Envoy (such as Tips and Tricks) by clicking Help Online on the Envoy Help menu. The following are suggestions for troubleshooting possible situations you may encounter in the course of using Envoy 7 on Windows 95. --------------------------------------- 5.1 Compact Install: If you have chosen the Compact install option for Envoy, you will not have access to the following Envoy features: 1. Explorer preview of .evy 2. Import File (see the paragraph below) 3. Web Links 4. Help Online 5. Send 6. Distributable Viewer Setup 7. Save As Runtime (see the paragraph below) COMPACT INSTALLATION UNABLE TO IMPORT FILES OR SAVE AS RUNTIME If you have performed a Compact install, you may receive the following error message when you try to import a file: "The Envoy Driver cannot be loaded. The Envoy document has not been created." To solve this problem, you can try one of the two following solutions: Solution 1. Open the document in the source application and print it to the Envoy Driver. Solution 2. Install Typical or Custom; or run Envoy either from a network or from the Applications Disc. Also, if you try to use the Save as Runtime Viewer option with a Compact installation, you may receive this error message: "An error occurred while saving the file *.exe. Unknown error." To solve this problem, use Solution 2 above. --------------------------------------------- 5.2 Envoy Viewer: SWITCHING LANGUAGES FOR THE ENVOY 7 VIEWER If you have installed more than one language for Envoy and you want to switch often between languages, you can use the /L=? startup option. This option brings up the language dialog box every time you start the Envoy 7 Viewer. To use this option, 1. Right-click the Start button on the Windows 95 taskbar, then click Open. 2. Double-click Corel Office 7. 3. Right-click Envoy 7, then click Properties. 4. Click the Shortcut tab. 5. In the Target text box, type the path where you have installed Envoy 7, then add a space and /L=? to the end. For example: C:\Corel\Office7\Envoy7\Envoy7.exe /L=? PAGES OR THUMBNAILS ARE SLOW TO REDRAW AND DISPLAY IN THE VIEWER Most often, Envoy displays document pages quickly. The speed with which Envoy displays pages might be decreased by the following: 1) The document file is being read from slow media, such as a floppy disk or a CD-ROM drive. Display time can be improved by moving the documents to a local hard drive. 2) The document includes a large color bitmap image. Display time can be improved by choosing a lower Custom Bitmap Resolution and/or reducing the color depth of the bitmap to 256 or 16 colors, then printing again to the Envoy Printer Driver. 3) The document includes an intricate graphic image. Display time can be improved either by removing some of the more complex graphic elements or by replacing with a simpler graphic before printing to the Envoy Printer Driver. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LARGE DOCUMENTS If you are going to create an Envoy document in Windows 95 with a large number of bitmaps, increase your system's RAM as much as possible. This will greatly decrease save time and the possibility of errors. You may also want to divide a large file into several smaller Envoy files, then link them with cross-document hypertext links. See online Help for details. IMPORTING FILES INTO VIEWER/DRAG-AND-DROP FILES ONTO VIEWER Many 16-bit applications (designed to run under earlier versions of Windows) and some 32-bit applications (designed to run under Windows 95) do not support converting their files to the .EVY format by importing files into the Envoy Viewer or by drag-and- drop. In order for these features to work with a file from a particular application, that application must have registered itself into the Windows Registration Database and must support printing through Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). To test whether an application supports these Envoy features, drag a file onto the Windows Printers folder; if the file does not print, then the application does not support these features. In such a case, launch the application and print the files to the Envoy 7 Driver. NOTE: You cannot create Envoy 7 files unless you have the Envoy 7 Driver. If you have the Envoy 7 Viewer but not the Driver, the Import File feature does not work. VIEWER EITHER DOES NOT LAUNCH OR LAUNCHES EMPTY AFTER PRINTING DOCUMENT TO DRIVER This situation is usually caused by lack of memory resources to support running both the printing application and the Envoy 7 Viewer simultaneously. The solution to this problem is one of the following: 1) increase the Virtual Memory swap file size in the Windows Control Panel; 2) select the "Save as Envoy File" option in the Envoy 7 Driver dialog box, print the document to file, quit the printing application, then launch the Envoy Viewer and open the file; 3) reduce the file size of the file you are printing to the Envoy 7 Driver. See Envoy online Help for instructions on making files smaller. LAUNCH VIEWER, SEE ERROR MESSAGE "CANNOT FIND LANGUAGE RESOURCES..." The language resources DLL either was not installed properly or was removed from the ENVOY7\SYSTEM folder. Either copy a new language DLL (such as EVY7US.DLL) into the folder or reinstall Envoy. OPEN PRINT DIALOG BOX, SEE ERROR MESSAGE "CANNOT FIND LANGUAGE RESOURCES..." The language resources DLL either was not installed properly or was removed from the WIN95\SYSTEM folder. Either copy a new language DLL (such as EVYD7US.DLL) into the folder or reinstall Envoy. TOOLBAR COLORS IN WINDOWS The colors of the Toolbar icons on the Envoy 7 Viewer for Windows can be affected by changing the color settings in the Windows Control Panel. If the Toolbar colors look strange, change the color settings. ------------------------------------- 5.3 Envoy Runtime Viewer: RECIPIENT OF Runtime Viewer IS UNABLE TO LAUNCH VIEWER A runtime file created with Envoy 7 will open only on another system running Windows 95. All Envoy runtime files are platform-dependent. If a runtime file does not open, check to make sure that the recipient is using the same operating system that was used to create the Runtime Viewer. SENDING A RUNTIME FILE BY E-MAIL If you send a runtime file through e-mail using the File>Send feature in the Envoy Viewer, the file is sent as an .EVY file. In order to send a runtime file as an .EXE file, start from e-mail and attach the runtime .EXE file. ROTATED TEXT Some Windows applications print rotated text as a bitmap image. The result is that (1) the text cannot be selected using the text selection cursor and (2) the bitmap image may be jagged. Increase the bitmap resolution in the Envoy Driver Custom Settings dialog box to improve the visual quality of the rotated text. See online Help for details on changing bitmap resolution. GRADIENTS Most gradients will appear as a series of solid colors in Envoy. For best results, produce documents with solid colors rather than gradients. --------------------------------- 5.4 Envoy 7 Driver RUNNING ENVOY UNDER NT 3.51/4 The Envoy 7 Driver does not function on an NT client. The Envoy 7 Viewer functions normally under NT. ADDING THE ENVOY 7 DRIVER TO YOUR LIST OF PRINTER DRIVERS If the Envoy 7 Driver does not appear on your list of available printer drivers, first restart your computer. If it still does not appear, try reinstalling Envoy. If you prefer not to reinstall, you (or your system administrator) can restore the Envoy 7 Driver using the EVYPRINT.INF file. To do this, 1. Copy all the Envoy files from the Windows\System folder into the Envoy7\System folder. 2. Read the comments in the EVYPRINT.INF file and make changes to the file to match the configuration of your individual system. 3. Run the Add Printer Wizard, then select Local Printer. 4. Select Have Disk, then browse to find your EVYPRINT.INF file. 5. Select the EVY port. =================================================================== 6. BITSTREAM TRUEDOC FONT EMBEDDING Envoy 7 uses Bitstream(R) TrueDoc(TM) portable font technology, copyright 1994-95 Bitstream, Inc. Because the Envoy 7 font embedding technology is different from that used in Envoy 1.0a, fonts embedded with Envoy 1.0a will not view as embedded fonts in the Envoy 7 Viewer. They will be handled with the Envoy "intelligent font mapping" instead. See online Help for details. =================================================================== 7. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For information on Corel technical support services, please see online Help.