WordPerfect for Windows 6.0a Interim Release Information Executive Summary WordPerfect Corporation has always had a policy of responding to customer needs between major product upgrades with interim releases. In keeping with this customer- oriented focus, WordPerfect will ship an interim release of WordPerfect for Windows, version 6.0a, in March 1994. The four major objectives for WordPerfect 6.0a are reliability, speed, ease of use and transition tools. WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows will be available free of charge to all registered users of WPWin 6.0 upon request. If users have not registered their software, WordPerfect representatives can register them when they call (800) 321-4566. Enhancements: * Speed- Speed improvements have been made in the following areas: basic formatting, scrolling, printing, graphics handling, table manipulation and editing, importing 5.x documents, generate, document compare, outline, launching WPDraw, automation of ExpressDocs Templates and opening large documents. * Reliability- Many changes have been made to improve the overall reliability of the product. Every effort was made to address the issues raised by our customers. * Printing- With the Windows or WordPerfect (*.PRS) printer drivers, the printing of tables, borders, and bitmap graphics is much faster. In addition, with WordPerfect-supplied Postscript and Hewlett Packard printer drivers, WPWin 6.0 printed ATM and TrueType fonts as graphics, which caused large output file sizes and long total print times. WPWin 6.0a now downloads ATM and TrueType fonts to these printers, improving overall printing speed. * Integration- WPWin 6.0a now works better under Windows NT and OS/2, including seamless integration with the OS/2 Advanced Workplace Shell. The OS/2 Integration Tools Disk is available separately by calling (800) 321-4566. * Conversion of Fonts- In WPWin 6.0, converting WordPerfect 5.x documents to the WordPerfect 6.0 format would sometimes result in fonts not converting correctly. Fonts will now convert correctly if the same printer is selected in WP 5.x and WPWin 6.0a. In addition, round-trip compatibility from 6.0 to 5.2 and back to a 6.0 format will result in accurate font matching. * Fonts- The last four fonts used are now displayed at the top of the font list, accessed by clicking the font button on the Power Bar. This is similar to the existing capability to display the names of the four most recently used files on the Files pull-down menu. * Graphics- You can now easily save a graphic as a WPG, PCX, TIFF, and BMP file from within WPWin 6.0a by selecting the graphic and choosing Save As from the File menu. * Full WYSIWYG Display- Character widths are now displayed more accurately on screen, resulting in a truer graphical representation of fonts. * WPDraw- With some scanners, the error message "Scan Operation Failed..." would appear and prevent an image from scanning directly into WPDraw. This has now been corrected. * 256 Color Driver- If a problem is detected with a 256 color driver, WPWin 6.0a will advise you to add a /fl startup switch (for example, c:\wpwin60\wpwin.exe /fl) to the command line under Properties for the WPWin 6.0a icon. This will eliminate known problems with certain video drivers. * DDEML.DLL- We are aware of conflicts with a Windows file, DDEML.DLL, dated 4/22/92. The correct version of this file should be found in the System directory (c:\window\system). If the version of this file (DDEML.DLL, 4/22/92) is found in the Windows directory, and the correct version is found in the Windows System directory, the file will be automatically deleted from the Windows directory. Additions: * QuickCorrect- This feature automatically replaces errors in mistyped or misspelled words. For instance, if you accidentally type adn, it is automatically replaced with and as soon as you press the space bar or another word delimiter (comma, period, semi-colon, etc.). QuickCorrect can automatically fix hundreds of commonly mistyped or misspelled words as you type. QuickCorrect can also automatically expand abbreviations on the fly. For example, you could type wpc and have WordPerfect Corporation appear as you press the space bar. QuickCorrect will also fix two initial caps such as WOrdPerfect. * QuickSelect- WordPerfect 6.0a understands that you need the ability to select complete words, sentences, and paragraphs as well as individual letters. QuickSelect gives you the flexibility to select precisely the text you need. Click twice, holding the mouse down the second time, then drag to select word by word. Click three times and drag to select sentence by sentence, and click four times and drag to select paragraph by paragraph. In addition, WordPerfect 6.0 has always let you click in the left margin to select a sentence,and double click to select a paragraph, or use the right mouse button in the left margin for more QuickSelect options. * QuickStart- Coach When you first launch WordPerfect 6.0a, an interactive QuickStart Coach appears to give you an overview of the product. This will assist WordPerfect for DOS users, as well as users of other word processors such as Microsoft Word and Ami Pro as they make the transition to WordPerfect for Windows. * Transition Advisor- Accessed from the Help menu, the Transition Advisor helps WordPerfect DOS users make a smooth the transition to Windows. The Transition Advisor displays keystrokes and commands from WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS and then shows how to perform the equivalent tasks in WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows. Also available is a WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS keyboard that retains familiar keystrokes as you work. * ExpressDocs templates- WPWin 6.0a will ship with a WPLite template which provides a scaled-down menu and feature list. WPWin 6.0a will include several other templates: WPAmiPro, business card creation, workgroup, pleading, term paper, and an additional form letter template. * Pleading template- To answer requests from the legal community, a pleading macro (PLEADING.WCM) and a pleading template (PLEADING.WPT) will ship with WPWin 6.0a. This automated template guides you through creating a pleading document. * Save- A "fail safe" save option will now save the document twice, check the file date/time, and then report any possible problems. * Uninstall- The setup program includes an Uninstall facilitywhich allows for a standard or custom uninstall of WPWin 6.0a. Improvements have also been made to the installation routine. * Paragraph Numbers- Paragraph numbering is now equivalent to the functionality found in WPWin 5.2 and is part of the Bullet and Numbers feature. * Tables- You can now save table data to the clipboard with tabs that allow you to read data into a spreadsheet or save it as an ASCII file. In addition, you can save table data to a Quattro Pro format. * Import/Export- A conversion for Professional Write files has been added, as well as ODBC support, which provides direct support for Microsoft Access and Excel 5.0. * New Button Bars- Three new Button Bars have been added to WPWin 6.0a: Design Tools, Utilities, and Legal. * Network Users- WPWin 6.0a includes UNC (universal naming convention) support as well as shareable paper size forms for Windows drivers. * Encryption- Password protection has been improved, with support for both the old and new formats for compatibility with existing WPWin users and documents, as well as "case-sensitive" password protection.