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    Where's the manual?

    Who reads manuals anyway?  Okay,  okay,  there will be one in version

    Can I send you lots of money?

    Of course.

    I thought FAQ stood for "Frequently Asked Questions".

    That's not a question.  ;-)

    Why is the spacing all wrong?

    You need to use a proportional font, such as Courier New or System.

    The ASCII characters are not displayed correctly, what's wrong?

    You need to  use  the  Terminal  font  if  the  .NG  file has special
    characters in it.  Each .NG file  can  use a different font set (.NGF
    file), go to the font  setup,  save  the  font  setup and the program
    will always remember to load  that  font  set for that particular .NG

    Do you know the guys from that great demo group, Asphixia?

    Yee-up,  I  certainly  do!    Aren't   they  a  really  great  bunch?
    (Okay guys, pay up...)  ;-)

    Greetings to EzE, Goth, Denthor and Fubar.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson