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    The Author


    This program is just a  pre-release.   There are quite a few features
    that still  don't  work.   I  have  released  it  unfinished  because
    people are wanting to  use  it  (NG  format  is  popular) and it will
    probably be a few weeks  before  it  is  finished.  I don't have that
    much free time to work on  it.   If  I  recieve many registrations, I
    will make more of an effort to get out version 1.00 quicker.

    If you do send any money, please  send  cash,  either rands or US$'s.
    Make sure you  use  a  dark  envelope  so  the  cash  cannot be seen.
    Please don't send coins  in  the  post.   If  you  can't get US$'s or
    rands, you are welcome to send me whatever currency you are using.

    Remember, this software  is  free,  you  don't have to pay for it.  I
    would really appreciate a  postcard  if  you use this software, money
    is not so important.  I  won't  nag  you  about money, I just want to
    know if my software is used.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson