SuperGroup - A group nesting application by Jim Pettinato Version 1.1 A simple standalone Windows utility that allows you to launch a group from within another group. Very similar to another shareware program called NestGrp, but I tried that and was unhappy about three things: It was slow (written in Visual Basic), it used the Program Manager icon instead of the Program Manager group icon, and there were no indications of error if you specified a group name that didn't exist-in fact, nothing happened at all. So I decided to write my own version from scratch and try to eliminate these drawbacks. I wrote it in Borland C, embedded the true group icon in the application, and you get a message box if you don't specify a valid group on the command line. It also runs considerably faster. On my 486DX2-50, it is difficult to detect any time difference opening a group from Program Manager or from SuperGroup. Oh, and one more thing - DOESN'T REQUIRE VBRUNXXX.DLL or any of that. To use SuperGrp, select or create the group that you wish to be an upper-level group. From within this group, use File/New Program Item to add an instance of SuperGrp.EXE with an additional parameter of the group you wish it to launch. For example, if my top level group was Applications, and I wished to embed my Borland C++ and my MicroSoft Word groups in my Applications group, I would do the following: Make the Applications group active. Select File/New Program Item. In the Description box, put Borland C++ (This is so you will know which group is associated with the icon) In the Command Line box, put SuperGrp Borland C++ Choose OK Repeat replacing MicroSoft Word for Borland C++ The group icons will now also appear in your Applications group. Clicking on these icons will open the respective group window. Note: Do NOT DELETE the original group icons. Windows will delete the group files, and you will have to recreate them. Simply place them behind a group you normally leave open, where they can't be seen. If you like this program, feel welcome to support it by sending $5.00 to: Jim Pettinato 2736 East 41st Street Erie, PA 16510 If you are interested in the source code, send me a disk and $15.00, I'll mail you it back. (Make sure you give me your return address.)