Form2 PPrtr Demo Form25, Command13 Landscape Command7 Get Port List2 Command12 Get Caps List1 Command11 getlist Command10 get it Command9 Letter Command8 Draft Command6 LaserJet Command5 Epson Command3 Legal Command1 get it Command4 get it Command2 Portrait Label9 Shape8 Label8 Label8 Label7 Default Printer: Shape7 Label6 #Default printer device capabilities Label5 Active Printers Label4 Default Printer Shape6 Shape5 Shape4 Label3 Quality Label2 PaperSize Label1 Orientation Shape1 Shape2 Shape3 Form_Load PortLand functionPortLand Orient handle Command3_Click. form2= Command2_Click Command1_Click_ Command4_ClickT unsignedq PPOrient PPrtr. ppActionK ppSelection} PPNewValue gimmeJ changit DM_ORIENTATION PP_GETIT PP_GEMME PP_GIMME PP_UNNEEDEDH PP_CHANGIT PP_CHANGE_IT DM_PAGESIZEl PP_PAPER_LEGAL DM_PAPER_LEGAL PP_CHANGEIT DMPAPER_LEGAL2 DMPORTRAITW DM_ORIENT_PORTRAIT| Orientation+ DMORIENT_PORTRAIT DM_PAPERSIZEm DefPrtr newone oldone Command5_Click spaceholder oldprinter Command6_Click Command7_Click HPGLP Plotter: Command8_Click DM_PRINTQUALITY DMRES_DRAFTM Command10_Click Command9_Click| DMRES_HIGH PPrtrs plist Command11_Click Prtrs File1_Click@ list1 nDevCap Command12_Click PrtrCapV DEVCAP list2 DRIVERVERSIONm technology HORZSIZE VERTSIZE HORZRES VERTRES1 BITSPIXELt PLANES{ NUMBRUSHES NUMPENS NUMMARKERS NUMFONTS NUMCOLORS PDEVICESIZE_ curvecapsB LINECAPS7 POLYGONALCAPS TEXTCAPS" CLIPCAPS RASTERCAPS ASPECTX" ASPECTY ASPECTXY LOGPIXELSX LOGPIXELSYY SIZEPALETTEh NUMRESERVED COLORRES TECHNOLOGY0 DT_PLOTTER DT_RASDISPLAY DT_RASPRINTER DT_RASCAMERA DT_CHARSTREAM DT_METAFILE DT_DISPFILE} tech- defaultr GetPrtrj defprinter label8" Caption getdefault= List2_Clickx CC_NONE CC_CIRCLES CC_PIE CC_CHORD CC_ELLIPSES CC_WIDE CC_STYLED CC_WIDESTYLED CC_INTERIORS CC_ROUNDRECT curve TC_OP_CHARACTER! TC_OP_STROKE\ TC_CP_STROKEJ TC_CR_90 TC_CR_ANY TC_SF_X_YINDEP TC_SA_DOUBLE TC_SA_INTEGER TC_SA_CONTIN TC_EA_DOUBLE TC_IA_ABLE TC_UA_ABLE TC_SO_ABLE TC_RA_ABLE3 TC_VA_ABLE TC_RESERVEDd rasterR RC_NONE0 RC_BITBLT" RC_BANDING RC_SCALING? RC_BITMAP64 RC_GDI20_OUTPUT RC_GDI20_STATEu RC_SAVEBITMAPZ RC_DI_BITMAP RC_PALETTE RC_DIBTODEV RC_BIGFONT RC_STRETCHBLTI RC_FLOODFILL RC_STRETCHDIB RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT RC_DEVBITS> POLYGONAL POLIGONAL POLIGONALCAPS TC_NONEW PC_NONEg PC_POLYGONy PC_RECTANGLE PC_WINDPOLYGON PC_SCANLINE2 PC_WIDE PC_STYLED PC_WIDESTYLED PC_INTERIORS LC_NONE LC_POLYLINE LC_MARKERB LC_POLYMARKER LC_WIDE LC_STYLED LC_WIDESTYLED LC_INTERIORSO CP_RECTANGLE CP_REGIONg CP_NONE LC_REGION} GetPort ptrport prtport Label9_Click label9 Command13_Click DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE List1_Click PPRTR.DLL PPRTR.DLL PPRTR.DLL PPRTR.DLL PPRTR.DLL PPRTR.DLL CLIPCAPS CLIPCAPS: None CLIPCAPS Output clipped to rectangles: Yes Output clipped to rectangles: No Output clipped to regions: Yes Output clipped to regions: No Command1_Click MsgBox "Pagesize is: " + Str$(PPrtr(hWnd, DM_PAPERSIZE, PP_UNNEEDED, PP_GIMME)), 0, "PaperSize" Command10_Click Quality is: PrintQuality Command11_Click MsgBox Str$(i), 0, "size of returned string" MsgBox plist$, 0, "returned string" no equiv of max() ?? Command12_Click check for 996 (no driver) msgbox str$(i) DRIVERVERSION: TECHNOLOGY: bits" HORZSIZE: VERTSIZE: HORZRES: VERTRES: BITSPIXEL: PLANES: NUMBRUSHES: NUMPENS: NUMMARKERS: NUMFONTS: NUMCOLORS: PDEVICESIZE: ASPECTX: ASPECTY: ASPECTXY: LOGPIXELSX: LOGPIXELSY: SIZEPALETTE: NUMRESERVED: COLORRES: Command13_Click Orientation was: Orientation Command2_Click Orientation was: Orientation Command3_Click MsgBox "Papersize was: " + Str$(PPrtr(hWnd, DM_PAPERSIZE, DMPAPER_LEGAL, PP_CHANGE_IT)), 0, "PaperSize" Command4_Click Orientation is: Orientation Command5_Click i = DefPrtr("Epson LX-800 on LPT1:", oldprinter$) return code = old printer = Command6_Click i = DefPrtr("HP LaserJet Series II on LPT1:", oldprinter$) return code = old printer = Command7_Click Command8_Click Quality was: PrintQuality Command9_Click Quality was: PrintQuality curve CURVECAPS: None CURVECAPS Circles: Yes Circles: No Pie: Yes Pie: No Chord: Yes Chord: No Ellipses: Yes Ellipses: No Wide: Yes Wide: No Styled: Yes Styled: No Widestyled: Yes Widestyled: No Interiors: Yes Interiors: No RoundRect: Yes RoundRect: No Form_Load getdefault LINECAPS LINECAPS: None LINECAPS Polylines: Yes Polylines: No Markers: Yes Markers: No PolyMarkers: Yes PolyMarkers: No Wide lines: Yes Wide lines: No Styled lines: Yes Styled lines: No Wide and styled lines: Yes Wide and styled lines: No Interiors: Yes Interiors: No POLYGONAL POLYGONALCAPS: None POLYGONALCAPS Alternate fill polygons: Yes Alternate fill polygons: No Rectangle: Yes Rectangle: No Winding number fill polygon: Yes Winding number fill polygon: No Scanlines: Yes Scanlines: No Wide borders: Yes Wide borders: No Styled borders: Yes Styled borders: No Wide and styled borders: Yes Wide and styled borders: No Interiors: Yes Interiors: No raster RASTERCAPS: None RASTERCAPS Capable of simple BitBlt: Yes Capable of simple BitBlt: No Requires banding support: Yes Requires banding support: No Requires scaling support: Yes Requires scaling support: No Supports bitmaps >64K: Yes Supports bitmaps >64K: No Has 2.0 output calls: Yes Has Win 2.0 output calls: No Includes state block in DC: Yes Includes state block in DC: No Saves bitmaps locally: Yes Saves bitmaps locally: No Supports DIB to memory: Yes Supports DIB to memory: No Supports a palette: Yes Supports a palette: No Supports bitmap conversion: Yes Supports bitmap conversion: No Supports fonts >64K: Yes Supports fonts >64K: No Supports StretchBlt: Yes Supports StretchBlt: No Supports FloodFill: Yes Supports FloodFill: No Supports StretchDIBits: Yes Supports StretchDIBits: No Supports opaque and DX array: Yes Supports opaque and DX array: No Supports device bitmaps: Yes Supports device bitmaps: No Vector Plotter Raster Display Raster printer Raster Camera Character-stream PLP Metafile, VDM Display-file Unknown TEXTCAPS: None TEXTCAPS Character output precision: Yes Character output precision: No Stroke output precision: Yes Stroke output precision: No Stroke clip precision: Yes Stroke clip precision: No 90 degree character rotation: Yes 90 degree character rotation: No Any character rotation: Yes Any character rotation: No Scaling independent of x and y: Yes Scaling independent of x and y: No Doubled character for scaling: Yes Doubled character for scaling: No Integer multiples for scaling: Yes Integer multiples for scaling: No Italicizing: Yes Italicizing: No Any multiples for exact scaling: Yes Any multiples for exact scaling: No Double-weight characters: Yes Double-weight characters: No Underlining: Yes Underlining: No Strikeouts: Yes Strikeouts: No Raster fonts: Yes Raster fonts: No Vertor fonts: Yes Vertor fonts: No