ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ DOUBLE.TXT Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ Sun 02-06-1994 02:48:50 Well, I wasn't going to write a text piece for this file set, but it got a little confusing even for me. This file set contains two batch files that work together. They are: 1st TEST_DRV.BAT (will test -every- drive from A: to N:) (uses DBL.BAT) 2nd DBL.BAT (will test -one- drive that you type in) The first time you try this, use TEST_DRV.BAT and see how it works. Actually it's a clever way to test all your drives. If you wish you can take out the "PAUSE" commands in DBL.BAT and redirect the output to a file to see which of your drives are Double Spaced without pressing a key everytime it displays a drive. By using MAKE_COM.BAT with the script file ISIT_DBL.SCR you can make your very own ISIT-DBL.COM. But before you do, write down the byte size of the existing ISIT_DBL.COM file and then -view- it using XtGold or some other viewer that lets you look at *.COM files. You don't need a Hex file viewer. All the *.BAT files contain "interesting" text that you should at least browse; -but- most of my finest stuff is in DBL.BAT. John De Palma on CompuServe 76076,571