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An optional timer will 'lock' the PC if the keyboard (and mouse if enabled) have been idle beyond the designated time. PASSKEY.EXE immediately prompts for the password, halting further processing until entered. This may be run within another application, or at start-up to restrict access. CHANGEPW.EXE changes the password and operating features. Passwords will expire every 30 days, with repeats disallowed. They cannot be changed until entered correctly and are stored with a varying encryption key. MANUAL.TXT this manual in ASCII text format, displayed by typing "TYPE MANUAL.TXT | MORE" printed by typing "PRINT MANUAL.TXT". INSTALL.EXE installs files and optionally modifies AUTOEXEC.BAT to run PassKey at boot-up for password prompt, and load AutoLock into memory. ORDER.FRM printable order form (type "PRINT ORDER.FRM"). ---------------- | INSTALLATION | ---------------- To install the files, place the distribution diskette into drive A (or B) and type "A(or B):INSTALL" [enter]. Follow the on-screen prompts. Upon completion, ChangePW will be run to set the password etc. - - - OR - - - You may manually install AutoLock. 1) Make a directory on the destination drive. MD \AUTOLOCK 2) Copy the files from the distribution diskette to the destination drive and directory. COPY A:*.* C:\AUTOLOCK INSTALL.EXE may be deleted. DEL C:\AUTOLOCK\INSTALL.EXE 3) Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to add the new directory to the PATH statement. If you wish to load AutoLock and/or PassKey at start-up, add their command C:AUTOLOCK lines. C:PASSKEY 4) Change to the new directory. CD C:\AUTOLOCK 5) Run ChangePW to set the password and features. CHANGEPW 6) Run AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ | AutoLock | ------------ Load AutoLock into memory by either typing "AUTOLOCK" at the DOS prompt, or include the line "AUTOLOCK.COM" in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This may have been done during INSTALL. Some network programs alter system interrupts, excluding any previously loaded memory-resident programs. AutoLock should be loaded after them. As with all memory-resident programs, do not load (or unload) during an application's temporary "exit or shell to DOS" process. Activate AutoLock by holding down the [ALT] key while pressing the [space bar]. If you have changed this hot-key with ChangePW, use your new combination. A window will appear, prompting you to confirm lock-up. A key-press of [y], [Y] or [enter] will blank the screen and prompt for the password. Any other key will resume the previous activity. The PC will also lock If the idle timer has been enabled (using ChangePW) and the inactive time has been exceeded. The prompt will remain until the password has been entered correctly. The screen and the previous activity will then be restored. As you type your password, small boxes will fill in the blanks keeping each key-press secret. All alpha-numeric keys are accepted, and backspace can be used. An incorrect password will be blanked and entry will be restarted. "Expiring" will be displayed on the lower line of the box if the password will expire within the next 5 days. Modify the password and other features using ChangePW. If a mouse is used for long periods of time, enable the "Mouse watch" feature. Note that many applications alter the mouse routines, making them unavailable to AutoLock. AutoLock must not be loaded before changing this feature. You may unload AutoLock by retyping its name. Memory resident programs must be unloaded in the reverse order to which they were loaded. It cannot unloaded if an application has left interrupts altered when it exits. ----------- | PassKey | ----------- PassKey immediately opens the password prompt window. Processing continues when the password has been entered correctly. Call PassKey from within an application or batch file to restrict access to sensitive data or procedures. You may include a command line argument of 'n' to suppress the banner display (e.g. PASSKEY.EXE N) leaving the screen undisturbed upon completion. Add the line "PASSKEY.EXE" to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, as an added measure of general data security during start-up. This may have been done with INSTALL. The same encrypted password is used here as in AutoLock. ------------ | ChangePW | ------------ Type "CHANGEPW" at the DOS prompt if the password expires or you wish to change a feature. A menu is shown, with each feature's current setting displayed beside it. Use the arrow keys to high-light an item, and press [enter] to change it. A help window appears giving further details. Some items accept your input in a lower box. Pressing [ESC] will leave an item as it was. The "Save" option allows you to save the new settings, quit without saving, or press another key to return to the menu. Shown here is the menu and prompt for changing the hot-key. +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | CHANGE PASS-WORD | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | Press [^] [v] and [ENTER] to change | | | | ------------------------------------- | | | | Automatic lock-up if left idle | Enabled | | | Idle time before auto lock-up occurs | 12 minutes | | | Watch for mouse activity | No | | | Password | changed | | | Hot-key for manual lock-up |--> [Alt SPACE] | | | Save and/or Exit | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | +--------------------------------------------+ | | | Hold down one or more of... | | | | [Ctrl] [Alt] [Left-Shift] [Right-Shift] | | | | | | | | Then press and release another key. | | | +--------------------------------------------+ | | | | +-----------------------------------+| | | || | +-----------------------------------+| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Hold down any of the 4 keys shown while you press and release another key. The automatic lock-up timer can be varied from 2 to 60 minutes, or disabled. Use the mouse-watch with caution, as some applications modify (without restoring) the mouse interrupt. ChangePW directly modifies both AutoLock and PassKey with the new entries, no need for command line arguments or configuration files. -------------------- | TROUBLE SHOOTING | -------------------- The PC must be in text mode, (modes 2, 3 or 7) for AutoLock to load or activate, as text is used for interaction with the user. Mouse movements are "watched" via its interrupt if "Watch for mouse activity" is enabled. Some applications alter this interrupt without restoring it upon exit. In those cases, unpredictable mouse behaviour may result, and this feature should be disabled. Some memory-resident programs change interrupt vectors and execute only their own alternate interrupt handlers. AutoLock will execute any previously loaded routine(s), then itself. For this reason, AutoLock should be loaded after network or other memory-resident programs. Unloading of memory-resident programs must be done in the reverse order to which they were loaded. If AutoLock is the last to be loaded, a message will indicate success of its removal and memory release. ----------------------- | SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS | ----------------------- Any IBM PC or compatible with DOS 2.0 or above. A system clock (included in the AT or above) is needed for password expiry. 4k. of memory is consumed by AutoLock. Monitors include MDA, HERCULES, CGA, EGA and VGA. --------------------- | LICENSE AGREEMENT | --------------------- Odd Creations grants you a nonexclusive license to use AutoLock, ChangePW and PassKey on a single computer at a time. You may not copy or reproduce the program or documentation except to make a backup copy for your own use. -------------------- | LIMITED WARRANTY | -------------------- Odd Creations warrants the diskette to be free from defects and faulty workmanship under normal use for 60 days after the date of purchase. Return the faulty diskette to Odd Creations for replacement. Odd Creations is not liable for any direct, incidental, or consequential loss or damages arising from use of the program or errors in publication. Odd Creations disclaims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Inc. ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ODD CREATIONS 7250 Yonge st. # 201 Thornhill, Ont. L4J 7X1 ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ