Wilderness Books 651 Mount Pleasant Road Toronto, Ontario M4S 2N2 [416] 322 7238 Are you a writer? Or do you just dream of *becoming* a writer - successful, creatively content, and financially rewarded? Whether you're a professional writer now, would like to prepare yourself for a second vocation, or would just like to earn extra income with that book or script that you're burning to write, here's a wide-ranging selection of some of the best books on writing, writer's skills and writer's markets. One or more of them is bound to challenge, direct and inspire the muse within you, even as they shape and sharpen your talents! And obtaining their counsel, instruction and advice couldn't be easier! You can place your order 24 hours a day, by phone or fax, at [416] 322 7238: just give us the the titles and quantities of the books you'd like us to send you; your name, address and phone number, and your VISA or Mastercard number, with expiry date. 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Should a publisher increase the cost on any the books listed here, orders for those books will then be filled at the new price. This occurs very occasionally. We are also pleased to offer the same fast, reliable and quality service for any books on any other subjects which you may wish to obtain, provided that they are still in print and available to us. Just include the title[s] and author[s] with your phone, fax or mail order and we'll obtain and ship them off to you promptly. **************************************************************************** * A SELECTION OF SOME OF THE BEST BOOKS ON WRITING AND THE WRITER'S SKILLS * **************************************************************************** "FORMATTING YOUR SCREENPLAY" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Rich Reichman The first step-by-step guide to giving movie and T.V. screenplays the formatting that Hollywood wants. Of the 100,000 scripts that reach Hollywood each year, most are rejected because they don't follow formatting rules. This unique manual walks aspiring screenwriters through the major elements of authentic script formatting and gives strategies for using each to maximum effect. It also packs sound advice on rewriting, the pros and cons of writers' groups [plus how to find one], formatting with a P.C. or word-processor - even the right way to cover, bind and mail off a finished draft. Reichman teaches filmwriting at Georgetown University and writing for visual media at American University. PAPER. US$10.95 [Can$14.80] "GHOSTWRITING: HOW TO GET INTO THE BUSINESS" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Eva Shaw Ghostwriting is creative, challenging, and profitable, yet many freelance writers do not know how to get into the business. Eva Shaw details this little- known area of the writing profession, covering attracting and evaluating clients; working with agents and publishers; negotiating financial and legal issues; gathering information, planning the format and verifying facts; and, finally, turning ghostwriting into a financially-rewarding experience. This essential guide is the only current, comprehensive handbook available on this subject. Eva Shaw is a professional ghostwriter with more than 400 books, magazine articles, and newspaper columns to her credit. PAPER. US$8.95 Can$11.95 "HOW TO PREPARE YOUR MANUSCRIPT FOR A PUBLISHER" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Susan Farewell A low-priced, compact writer's manual to give authors all the inside information they'll ever need to prepare manuscripts for a publisher. Included are sections on permissions, fees, and credits; learning copyright, fair use and libel laws; preparing illustrations and artwork; correcting the completed manuscript; guidelines for using a word processor; and more. A Harvard graduate, David Carroll is an Emmy Award-winning television writer and author of 25 books. PAPER US$6.95 [Can$9.40] "HOW TO MAKE A LIVING AS A TRAVEL WRITER" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Susan Farewell An experienced travel writer presents everything you need to know to break into this exciting and competitive field. In eight detailed sections, you'll find the basic techniques of writing marketable guides and articles, as well as an extensive strategy for a career that demands both creative spontaneity and rigorous scheduling. Farewell is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers and author of THE MOBILE ROAD ATLAS and THE PENGUIN GUIDE TO NEW YORK CITY. Includes two appendices and listings of travel writer's resources and associations. PAPER. US$9.95 [Can$13.50] "HOW TO WRITE SCIENCE FICTION" - Matthew Costello This step-by-step guide for science fiction writers begins with an overview of the field's subgenres and identifies hard, military and technological SF;Space Opera; Cyberpunk; Time Travel and Alternate Histories; post-Apocalypse tales; and more. Costello draws from the classic works of Silverberg, Asimov and Dick to explore the writing process, character development, and research. He also discusses the business end of writing science fiction, and offers practical guidelines for marketing one's work. PAPER. US$9.95 [Can$13.50] "A MANUAL OF WRITER'S TRICKS" - David Carroll This invaluable reference offers easy access to strategems and tried-and-true literary short cuts that help writers save time, improve style, and avoid common writing pitfalls. Beginners and students, amateurs and professionals alike will refer time and again to Carroll's practical tips for rewriting with greater efficiency; reworking scholarly prose for improved clarity; developing "writers's logic"; avoiding the occupational hazards of burnout, boredom, and lack of motivation; and dealing with writer's block. PAPER. US$6.95 [Can$9.40] "TRADE SECRETS: MONEY-MAKING AND TIME-SAVING TIPS AND ADVICE" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Eva Shaw What writing classes *don't* teach - the savvy and strategies for a successful career. Here is a practical guide for new and published writers that's filled with the tips and advice they need to make more money, become more efficient, increase effectiveness, and more. Real-world suggestions and know-how plus warnings on how to avoid the snags and pitfalls of the profession. Eva Shaw is a professional writer who has written over 1,000 magazine articles, books, speeches and newspaper columns. PAPER. US$9.95 [Can$13.45] "WRITING AND SELLING MAGAZINE ARTICLES" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Eva Shaw With over 11,000 publications, magazines are the most flourishing market for both the aspiring and professional writer. But it is a constantly changing market that requires know-how and skill for success. This book eliminates the science of getting an article published. From query letters to the final draft to anticipating potential pitfalls and problems, this manual provides insider information on what articles to sell and who to sell them to. PAPER. US$8.95 [Can$11.95] "WRITING EFFECTIVE SPEECHES" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Henry Ehrlich A professional speechwriter teaches how to master the art of writing the right speech for any occasion. In this comprehensive book on the craft and profession of speechwriting, Henry Ehrlich gives an insider's view of the business. Includes valuable advice on writing for executives and politicians, as well as advice on how to assess an audience; tailor a speech to specific goals and requirements; begin a speech; use humor; illuminate a subject with anecdotes; write about a subject you're unfamiliar with; and create an effective style. PAPER. US$8.95 [Can$11.95] "1001 QUIPS AND QUOTES FOR BUSINESS SPEECHES" - Richard Zera Rudyard Kipling said: "Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind." Choose your words carefully and turn the next speech you write into something everyone will remember - and quote! From such memorable thinkers and writers as Sir Winston Churchill, Ghandi, Napoleon, Plato and Woody Allen, you'll find over 500 of the best business quotes and deft remarks arranged by topic - inspiration for an audience on any subject from adversity to wisdom, from adulthood to youth. US$6.95 [Can$9.40] "WRITING TRUE LIFE STORIES" [Paragon House Writer's Series] - Susan Feldhake A guide to one of the most lucrative publishing markets, confessional writing. This book will teach writers exactly how to gear their work to what the magazines want. The author describes and analyzes the three major categories of confessions - wholesome, racy and explicit - and includes examples from published stories to illustrate each point. Feldhake is a writer who has sold over 300 confessions as well as many romance novels. She is an instructor for Writer's Digest School and won the Peer Award, Inspirational Category, in 1985. PAPER. US$9.95. [Can$13.50] "THE LAST WORD: A TREASURY OF WOMEN'S QUOTES" - Carolyn Warner An invaluable reference for all speakers and writers - filled with more than 2,000 quotations from notable women past and present. Entries are arranged under 40 topics ranging from age, enthusiasm, and friendship to leadership, politics, and success. Includes a concise biographical index of the women quoted. PAPER. US$14.95 [Can$19.95] "FOR ALL THE WRITE REASONS" - Patricia Gallagher For anyone who has ever dreamed of writing a book and having it published, here is a volume packed with top-of-the-line advice from successful, published authors. Features 40 established authors, publishers and agents; details how to write, publish and market a book; gives practical advice and inspirational success stories; tells you how to find a literary agent; covers negotiating contracts, and more. "From now on, when correspondents ask me 'how can I do my own publishing?', I shall refer them to the many fine chapters in your excellent book" - James A. Mitchener. PAPER. US$24.95 [Can$33.70] "THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE" - University of Chicago Press Here is the thoroughly-revised and -updated edition of the *essential* reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers and publishers. Almost 200 pages longer than its 11-year-old predecessor, this edition reflects nearly every significant change in style, usage, procedure and technology. US$40.00 [Can$54.00] "INSIDER'S GUIDE TO BOOK EDITORS, PUBLISHERS AND LITERARY AGENTS, 1994-95 Ed." - Jeff Herman Herman's guide gives aspiring writers the inside scoop on the names and interest areas of aquisition editors. Covers unsolicited submissions, proposals, ghostwriting and collaboration, poetry, and more. "buy this book before you mail yours." - Stacey Pine, Contemporary Books. PAPER. US$19.95. [Can$26.95] "MYSTERY WRITER'S MARKETPLACE AND SOURCEBOOK" - ed. by Donna Collingwood Part market guide, part resource guide, part forum, this book helps writers immerse themselves in the mystery-writing field. The listings included are lengthy and informative, offering subjective views of the listed publication. Includes a resource section and valuable information about conventions and annual awards. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "THE POET'S MARKET" [1994 ed.] - ed. by Christine Martin Poets will find U.S. and international publishers of poetry, a list of U.S. and Canadian arts councils, contests and awards, writing colonies, organizations, and publications useful to poets. US$19.95 [Can$24.25] "THE SONGWRITER'S MARKET" [1994 ed.] - ed. by Cindy Laufenberg Songwriters will find inside tips on how - and where - to place their songs in over 2,000 up-to-date listings of song markets. Each listing includes current submission requirements and tips from buyers. Includes articles and interviews on the newest trends, and lists contests, competitions, workshops, and songwriter organizations. US$19.95 [Can$24.25] "THE WRITER'S MARKET" [1994 ed.] - ed. by Mark Harvey An *essential* handbook for *every* writer! This edition contains up-to-date information on 4,000 buyers of freelance materials, as well as listings of contests and awards. Helpful articles and interviews with top professionals make this *the* source for up-and-coming, as well as established, writers. Over 1,000 pages of invaluable information! US$26.95 [Can$36.40] "1994 PHOTOGRAPHER'S MARKET" - ed. by Michael Willins Everything you need to know to increase your sales and your success, including 2,500 up-to-date listings of U.S. and international buyers of freelance photographs. US$22.95 [Can$30.95] "1994 NOVEL AND SHORT STORY WRITER'S MARKET" - ed. by Robin Gee. PAPER. Covers 1,900 fiction markets, including U.S. and foreign commercial and literary/small circulation publications. Gives contact names, addresses, submission requirements and pay rates. Information on contests, awards, and interviews with today's top editors and authors. US$19.95 [Can$26.95] "1994 CHILDREN'S WRITER'S AND ILLUSTRATOR'S MARKET" - ed. by Lisa Carpenter Includes current, accurate information on markets for the two key elements of children's publishing. Over 700 listings of book and magazine publishers, audiovisual and special markets, submission procedures, payment terms, plus tips from the publisher/buyer. Indexed for alphabetical, age classification, and subject. Includes in-depth interviews with industry professionals. PAPER. US$19.95 [Can$26.95] "1994 GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS AND ART/PHOTO REPS" - ed. by Roseann Shaughnessy. Lists 600+ professsionals representing freelance writers and artists, including literary and script agents, and fine art/commercial art and photography reps. Provides insightful articles on understanding rights, to negotiating a sale, to finding and working with literary agents - all written by professionals in the field. PAPER. US$18.95 [Can$25.60] ****************************************************************************** Books on writing FICTION... "20 MASTER PLOTS [AND HOW TO BUILD THEM]" - Ronald Tobias Presents 20 fundamental plots that recur through fiction - with analysis and examples - allowing you to adapt and elaborate them in your own fiction. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "SETTING" - Jack Bickham New! Shows you how to create and sustain a sharp sense of time and place in your fiction. The skillful novelist never overlooks setting as a powerful element of fiction! US$14.95 [Can$19.95] "SCENE AND STRUCTURE" - Jack Bickham. Provides practical, proven instruction on how to construct fiction with scene- by-scene flow, logic and readability. US$14.95 [Can$20.25] "BEGINNINGS, MIDDLES AND ENDS" - Nancy Kress. Offers concrete direction on how to get your stories off to a roaring start, keep them tight and crisp throughout, and end them with a wallop! US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "PRACTICAL TIPS FOR WRITING POPULAR FICTION" - Robyn Carr Your complete guide to the special demands of writing the most popular genre fiction - romance, mystery, sci-fi, Westerns, horror, and many more! This Writer's Digest School instructor guides you step-by-step through the common elements making up the most popular and lucrative genre fiction. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "GET THAT NOVEL STARTED [AND KEEP GOING 'TIL YOU FINISH]" - Donna Levin If you're ready for a no-excuses approach to starting and completing your novel, then you're ready for this get-it-going game plan. The author provides experience and advice that helps you see an idea through while avoiding common writing pitfalls. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "DARE TO BE A GREAT WRITER: 329 KEYS TO POWERFUL FICTION" - Leonard Bishop US$14.95 [Can$20.25] "THE 28 BIGGEST WRITING BLUNDERS [AND HOW TO AVOID THEM]" - William Noble US$12.95 [Can$17.50] "WRITER'S DIGEST HANDOOK OF NOVEL-WRITING" - US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "WRITING THE BLOCKBUSTER NOVEL" - Albert Zuckerman New! From memorable characters and exotic settings to clashing conflicts, Zuckerman outlines and examines all the key elements that create a blockbuster. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "THE 38 MOST COMMON FICTION WRITING MISTAKES [AND HOW TO AVOID THEM]" - Jack Bickham US$12.95 [Can$17.50] "THE FICTION WRITER'S SILENT PARTNER" - Martin Roth. US$19.95 [Can$26.95] "HOW TO WRITE HORROR FICTION" - William Nolan. US$15.95 [Can$21.55] "CREATING CHARACTERS" - Dwight Swain. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "THE WRITER'S DIGEST CHARACTER NAMING SOURCEBOOK" - Sherrilyn Kenyon This marvellously-useful guide, packed with 20,000 first and last names from around the world, takes the guesswork out of naming characters and adds authenticity to your writing. US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "HOW TO WRITE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY" - Orson Card. US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "THE CRAFT OF WRITING SCIENCE FICTION THAT SELLS" - Ben Bova New! Write out-of-this world stories that attract real-world publishers! Bova guides you through all the elements of creating a science fiction universe. US$16.96 [Can$22.90] "THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO WRITING FICTION" - Barnaby Conrad and the staff of the Santa Barbara Writer's Conference. Get valuable insights from Eudora Welty, Ray Bradbury, Sidney Sheldon, Judith Kranz, and others. All aspects of writing and selling fiction are covered by these contributors, who've sold hundreds of millions of books between them! US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "HOW TO WRITE AND SELL YOUR FIRST NOVEL" - Oscar Collier. Improve your chances for getting your first [or any novel] published by learning the strategies of other first-time writers. You also get do's and don'ts on editorial submission as well as market advice and suggestions on the latest, best-selling genres. US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "HOW TO WRITE ROMANCES" - Phyllis Taylor Pianka. You can make people weak in the knees and their hearts race with passion by following the professional advice of Phyllis Taylor Pianka. Crack this lucrative and expanding market to boost your career and your royalty cheques! US$15.95 [Can$21.55] "THEME AND STRATEGY" - Ronald Tobias. US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION" - Scott Edelstein. US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "DIALOGUE" - Lewis Turco. If you write novels or scripts, this is a must-read. It's also essential if you quote people in interviews and feature writing. It's the most complete guide anywhere to getting inside other minds and showing how people think and talk. US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "PLOT" - Ansen Dibell. US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "CHARACTERS AND VIEWPOINT" - Orson Card. US$13.95 [Can$18.85] "CREATING SHORT FICTION" - Damon Knight. US$11.95 [Can$16.15] "THE ART AND CRAFT OF NOVEL WRITING" - Oakley Hall US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "WRITING THE NOVEL: FROM PLOT TO PRINT" - Lawrence Block. US$11.95 [Can$16.15] "HANDBOOK OF SHORT STORY WRITING, VOL. 1" - ed. by Dickson and Smyther. Award-winning authors such as Orson Scott Card, Kit Reed, and John Updike share their knowledge and experience on everything from generating ideas to writing and selling your work. Invaluable reading for both the established and aspiring short-story writer. US$12.95 [Can$17.50] "HANDBOOK OF SHORT STORY WRITING, VOL. 2" - ed. by Jeanne Fredette. US$12.95 [Can$17.50] "HOW TO WRITE MYSTERIES" - Shannon O'Cork. US$13.95 [ Can$18.85] "THE ROMANCE WRITER'S PINK PAGES: THE INSIDER'S GUIDE TO GETTING YOUR ROMANCE NOVEL PUBLISHED" - Eve Paludan Many avid romance readers harbor dreams of becoming published romance writers themselves - and this is the book which can make that happen! Contains the names of current aquisition editors at major romance publishing houses; a complete listing of agents who specialize in romance; and listings of romance magazines, writers' publications, and more. PAPER. US$9.95 [Can$13.45] ******************************************************************************* Books on writing NON-FICTION... "THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO MAGAZINE ARTICLE WRITING" - John Wilson New! Covers the essentials of non-fiction writing - primarily article writing for magazines and newspapers, explaining what elements make your work clear, effective and saleable. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "THE 30-MINUTE WRITER: HOW TO WRITE AND SELL SHORT PIECES" - Connie Emmerson Most of us don't get to write full-time, and here's your guide to producing quality writing during an already busy day. Includes the best type of writing to tackle in short bursts and common pitfalls to avoid. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "THE WRITER'S COMPLETE GUIDE TO CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS" - Michael Schumacher Almost anything you write for a newspaper, magazine or non-fiction book will be dramatically improved with this treasury of tips gleaned from the great practitioners of the art. US$14.95 [Can$19.95] "POWERFUL BUSINESS WRITING" - Tom McKeown. US$12.95 [Can$17.50] "THE COMPLETE BOOK OF FEATURE WRITING" - ed. by Leonard Witt. US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "THE MAGAZINE ARTICLE: HOW TO THINK IT, PLAN IT, WRITE IT" - Peter Jacobi US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO MAGAZINE ARTICLE WRITING" - John Wilson If you want to be published in a newspaper or magazine, you need to submit clear, effective, communicative articles. This guide leads you from start to finish through the process of writing a well-crafted and saleable article. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "WRITER'S DIGEST HANDBOOK OF MAGAZINE ARTICLE WRITING" - ed. by Jean Fredette. 33 chapters, packed with invaluable writing and selling secrets from the pros! Covers the entire process, from getting ideas to determining the most marketable slant for your article. You'll learn to think "sales" as part of the writing process. You'll get methods and strategies that could save you years of trial and error! US$11.95 [Can$15.95] ******************************************************************************* GENERAL WRITING/REFERENCE books... The HOWDUNIT SERIES are essential buys for any serious author - they'll cut your research time in half: "PRIVATE EYES: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS" - Blyth, Sweet, etc. This newest addition to the writer's "Howdunit Series" offers a detailed examination of exactly how PI's work, from how they're licenced to how they research a crime. US$15.95 [Can$21.55] "POLICE PROCEDURAL: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO THE POLICE AND HOW THEY WORK" - Russell Bintliff New to the "Howdunit Series", this book details the world of police officers, providing you with a realistic and thorough depiction of their profession. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "CAUSE OF DEATH: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO DEATH, MURDER AND FORENSIC MEDICINE" - Keith Wilson. Details what happens to a body from trauma to burial, including how police determine the type of crime. US$15.95 [Can$21.55] "SCENE OF THE CRIME: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO CRIME-SCENE INVESTIGATIONS" - Ann Wingate This factual, time-saving guide provides step-by-step details on the investigatory process at crime scenes. US$15.95 [Can$21.55] "DEADLY DOSES: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO POISONS" - Sereita Stevens Answers all the questions you have when "poisoning off" a character.Includes symptoms, reaction time, and antidotes. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "ARMED AND DANGEROUS: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO WEAPONS" - Michael Newton Explains firearms in an accessible and easy-to-understand manner, including hundreds of examples. US$14.95 [Can$19.95] "THE WRITER'S COMPLETE CRIME REFERENCE BOOK" - Martin Roth A complete guide to the procedures of the law - and the lawless. Includes general yet accurate information about every aspect of crime, including the fundamentals of investigations; the police and procedures of law enforcement agencies; criminal motives; escape methods; rules of evidence; jargon used by criminals and the police; details on prosecutors, defenders, victims, juries. US$19.95 [Can$26.95] "WRITING CRIME FICTION" - H.R. Keating. US$8.95 [Can$11.95] "30 STEPS TO BECOMING A WRITER - AND GETTING PUBLISHED" - Scott Edelstein Part textbook, part inspirational guide, part info source, this book will give you everything you need to begin writing and, ultimately, get your words into print. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "WRITING AS A ROAD TO SELF-DISCOVERY" - Barry Lane This series of directed exercises is designed to help you explore facets of yourself, allowing you to use writing as a means of discovering, broadening and understanding yourself and the world about you. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "WRITE TIGHT: HOW TO KEEP YOUR PROSE SHARP, FOCUSED AND CONCISE" - William Brohaugh. Tackles compactness, concision and precision with specific instructions and examples, helping you explore the delicate balancing act between tight and wordy writing. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "SHIFT YOUR WRITING CAREER INTO HIGH GEAR" - Gene Perret. Teaches you how to expand your writing horizons, capitalize on previous sales, and become versatile, well-rounded and successful. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "YOUNG PERSON'S GUIDE TO BECOMING AN AUTHOR" - Janet Grant US$8.95 [Can$11.95] "HOW TO MAKE YOUR WRITING READER-FRIENDLY" - Richard Dowis. US$7.95 [Can$10.75] "RESEARCH AND WRITING: A COMPLETE GUIDE AND HANDBOOK" - Shah Mahmoud US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "HOW TO WRITE FAST [WHILE WRITING WELL]" - David Fryxell. Apply your creativity to getting your work done! Learn ways to speed up the writing process, and how not to waste your time. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "BEGINNING WRITER'S ANSWER BOOK" [revised and updated] - Writer's Digest This indispensible reference is packed with the latest information on book and magazine markets you need to know to get published. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "HOW TO WRITE WITH THE SKILL OF A MASTER AND THE GENIUS OF A CHILD" - Marshall Cook. US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "ON BEING A WRITER" - ed. by Bill Strickland. Plain, honest advice and inspiration from Faulkner, Bradbury, Ginsburg, Mailer, and 27 other notable writers. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "FREEING YOUR CREATIVITY: A WRITER'S GUIDE" - Marshall Cook. Active and instructive exercises help you release your natural abilities so that your writing benefits. You'll soon find yourself writing more and better than you ever thought you could. US$17.95 [Can$24.25] "THIS BUSINESS OF WRITING" - Gregg Levoy. US$19.95 [Can$26.95] "THE WRITER'S ESSENTIAL DESK REFERENCE" - ed. by Glenda Tennant A *must* reference work for every writer! Why is it "essential"? Because it answers all the writing questions you face everyday - query letters, research techniques, overcoming writer's block, and more. You'll find yourself *constantly* refering to it as you pursue your writing career. US$19.95 [Can$26.95] "ESSENTIAL SOFTWARE FOR WRITERS" - Hy Bender New! A guide to the indispensible software which, when coupled with your computer and your creativity, make writing easier and more profitable! US$24.95 [Can$33.70] "THE 29 MOST COMMON WRITING MISTAKES AND HOW TO AVOID THEM" - Judy Denton $9.95 [US$13.45] "THE WRITER'S BOOK OF CHECKLISTS" - Scott Edelstein. US$16.95 [Can$22.90] "THE WORDWATCHER'S GUIDE TO GOOD WRITING AND GRAMMAR" - Morton Freeman US$15.95 [Can$21.55] "MAKE YOUR WORDS WORK" - Gary Provost Exercises, samples and Provost's solid teaching techniques will demonstrate how to refine your style, handle characterization, and other skills you need to sell your work. US$14.95 [Can$19.95] "DISCOVERING THE WRITER WITHIN: 40 DAYS TO MORE IMAGINATIVE WRITING" - Ballenger and Lane. US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "HOW TO WRITE IRRESISTIBLE QUERY LETTERS" - Lisa Cool. US$10.95 [Can$14.80] "HOW YOU CAN MAKE $25,000 A YEAR WRITING [NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE]" - Nancy Hansen. Did you miss any opportunities for income in the last year? Can you sell the same article more than once? Which market offers you the best chance of getting published? You'll learn the answers to all these questions, plus hundreds more, with this invaluable guide to successful sales! US$19.95 [Can$26.95] "WORD PROCESSING SECRETS FOR WRITERS" - Banks and Dibell US$14.95 [Can$19.95] "THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SELF-PUBLISHING" - Tom and Marilyn Ross Written a book that *many* people would want to read - if only you could get it published? Self-publishing may be the fastest, easiest and most financially rewarding route for you! This book details the hows, whys and wheres of getting your work into print yourself. US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "THE WRITER'S DIGEST GUIDE TO MANUSCRIPT FORMATS" - Buchman and Groves Find out how editors want your manuscript to look, and submit your work with the best possible chance of acceptance. Covers fiction, non-fiction, books. articles, poetry, T.V. scripts and more. US$18.95 [$25.60] "HOW TO WRITE A BOOK PROPOSAL" - Michael Larsen. US$11.95 [Can$15.95] "GETTING THE WORDS RIGHT: HOW TO REWRITE, EDIT AND REVIEW" - Theodore Cheney US$12.95 [Can$17.50] "A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO GETTING PUBLISHED" - ed. by Kirk Polking. US$11.95 [Can$15.95] "WRITE THE PERFECT BOOK PROPOSAL" - Jeff Herman. US$12.95 [Can$17.50] "HOW TO PUBLISH A BOOK AND SELL A MILLION COPIES" -Ted Nicholas Just about *everyone* has a lifetime of experiences, skills and answers in one or more specialized fields, interests or hobbies that others would gladly pay good money to learn. This practical and comprehensive book debunks the myths of the publishing world and gives authors the information they need to publish books themselves. Self-publishing is one form of entrepreneurship, says Ted Nicholas, and can be approached like any other entrepreneurial endeavor - with determination, hard work, and the desire to "do-it-yourself". Using real-life examples of successful self-published books, the author offers time-tested tips covering all areas of book publishing and everything you need to know to get your book into print yourself! US$19.95 [Can$26.95] ******************************************************************************* Helps for SPECIAL INTEREST writing... "THE WRITER'S GUIDE TO EVERYDAY LIFE IN THE 1800's" - Marc McCutcheon. You could take an armload of reference books and still not find the detailed information which is in this one comprehensive volume. From clothes to food, social customs to furnishings, you'll find everything you need to write an accurate story set in this century. The entries are even dated, so that you don't invent something before its creation. You'll cut hours off your research time! US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "THE WRITER'S GUIDE TO CREATING A SCIENCE FICTION UNIVERSE" - Ochoa and Osier. An easy-to-read, understandable guide for writers to put the science back in science-fiction. You'll find contemporary science tailored to the needs of science-fiction writers, the conventions already established in the genre, plus the "wrong science" you must avoid to be credible in this demanding yet rewarding market. US$18.95 [Can$25.60] "WRITING ARTICLES FROM THE HEART: HOW TO WRITE AND SELL YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCES" - Marjorie Holmes. Many writers don't realize that their day-to-day experiences can make terrific stories. 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