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I have not made a final decision on this yet. I enjoy preparing these files and making them available, but of course the necessities of making a living catch up with me from time to time, and I had to spend a great deal of time trying to catch up in order to get this edition of the LogBook ready for you. Again, should I change how often this file is made available, I will inform everyone immediately, as quite a few people - especially SysOps - spend their own hard-earned dollars pulling this file in long distance. There is also a possibility that I may combine the Trek LogBook with the Babylon 5 Chronicle and the British SF LogBook for a quarterly or even bi-yearly release (especially since it would be a MASSIVE file). This is just a thought I've come up with, though, nothing confirmed yet. The problem with that format would be that not everyone interested in one part of the file would want to spend the time necessary to download the rest of it. Feedback, please! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER BAR OF GOLD-PRESSED LATINUM Once again, I'm making an open plea for help with the Classic Trek listings in REFFILES.TXT - anyone who'd like to write up entries for the original series crew members is more than welcome to drop me a line! Between the ever-expanding job of keeping the Trek LogBook up to date and my taking on the tasks of the Babylon 5 Chronicle and the British SF LogBook Project, I'm going to need a bit of help somewhere down the line. Also needed - anyone with any info on just about any Trek-related album release, even esoterica such as Leonard Nimoy's poetry albums. I'm trying to make the "music" listings in LOGAPNDX.TXT as complete as ridiculously possible. Speaking of LOGAPNDX.TXT and music - my apologies for scaring anybody into thinking the Dennis McCarthy interview was a temporary feature. It has been moved, in its entirety, to the LOGAPNDX.TXT file right under the composers and album releases section - there are not plans to delete this gem from the LogBook! Those of you looking for the Morn sightings can find them under Morn's very own entry just opened in REFFILES.TXT. 8-] Anyone wishing to join the STDSN's EchoMornFanClub, just contact me on STDSN and we'll add your name to the ever growing list! This year, I'm working on hatching the Star Trek LogBook into the Internet, and I am beginning to consider the possibility of trying to get the first post-TNG-series-finale LogBook included on a CD-ROM in the future, should a new Trek and/or sci-fi oriented CD-ROM be published in 1994. (Anyone with any insight on this possibility, please contact me via Netmail.) Coming next month - the Babylon 5 Chronicle, covering the pilot movie and episodes through "And A Sky Full Of Stars!" Filename will be B5CR0294.ZIP, with the same episode guide you've come to expect/dread from the LogBook, plus an exclusive file containing Warner Bros.' publicity info and press material for both the series and the movie! In mid-May, you can look for the British SF LogBook Project, containing complete episode guides for Blake's 7 and Red Dwarf, as well as the BritSF version of LOGAPNDX.TXT - similar to the Trek LogBook's Reference Appendix, listing every actor, director and/or writer to have been involved with "Doctor Who," "Blake's 7," "Red Dwarf" and the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" TV series - an extensive, comprehensive listing covering from the earliest "Who" episodes through the latest available season of "Red Dwarf!" * The animated Classic Trek series, the various comic books, and the Pocket Books novels are neither covered nor mentioned herein; it simply would've taken too long, and I didn't have access to all of the material anyway. * The movies, in this guide, are treated like additional episodes of the original series. Episodes are listed by order of broadcast for each series. * The general format of this guide is based on the "Doctor Who Programme Guide" and the "Doctor Who Terrestrial Index," both by Jean-Marc Lofficier. <=-= THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =-=> Special thanks to: Fred Ayers (Sysop of Paradox of Arkansas, the LogBook's home base system); Robert Heyman, Joe Siegler, Cindy Hill, David Ewing, Dean Adams, Mark Holtz and Mike Brown (for unearthing and posting bits of obscure but infinitely helpful and interesting information); Dennis McCarthy (for providing still more fascinating information); Shane Vaughn, Larry Ruth, Doug Deutsch and Ray Costa (for putting me in touch with Dennis); Robert Parson (for forking over the wonderful Classic Trek Concordance - much appreciated, sir!); Joe Siegler and Joe Salemi (Moderators of the FidoNet STTNG topic); Ray Brown and Cindy Hill (Moderators of the Fido STDSN topic); Mark Holtz again (who has begun feeding the LogBook into the TFDN); Dave Thomer (for reminders that Kirk sent landing parties and never once, in his career, uttered the words "away team"); ALL of the SysOps in the Ft. Smith area, plus SysOps across the country and around the world (for not only helping boost this file to international distribution, but also for endeavoring to further the hobby of modeming), and all the users who participate in the various Fido Star Trek echoes. * DISCLAIMERS * STAR TREK, STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE, STAR TREK: VOYAGER and all characters and placenames herein are the property of Paramount Pictures Incorporated. The seven files constituting the Star Trek LogBook are to be distributed solely in the public domain! The author makes no attempt - in using the names described herein - to supercede the copyrights of Paramount Pictures, nor are these files officially sanctioned, licensed, or endorsed by Paramount. Another request I'd like to make to users and SysOps alike is that these files be kept TOGETHER. This goes especially for SysOps and users who relay files from one BBS to another. If you're not going to bother to keep them all in one ZIPfile for others to download, just delete it from your drive. I try to keep the file streamlined, and most of my legal disclaimers, and more important to me personally, my acknowledgements to those who help me continue the project, are now in this file only. I don't think this is too much to ask. To put it in plain, simple language of five syllables or less: Ú> NO single file which is a part of the Star Trek LogBook may be removed <¿ Ã> from the master ZIPfile before uploading to any other source. <´ Ã> NO single file which is a part of the Star Trek LogBook may be separated <´ À> from the other component files. <Ù * BOARDS THAT CARRY THE STAR TREK LOGBOOK * The updated LogBook file is made available on Paradox on the last Sunday of each month. The "monthly filename format" is STLBmmyy (mm = month, yy = year). Paradox of Arkansas (501) 484-0944 1:3822/1.0 1200-14,400 baud SysOp: Fred Ayers / CD-ROM; many Fido echoes; GFP's "home base" system! The Serial Connection (501) 785-2408 1200-14,400 baud SysOp: Russ Koopman / Fort Smith area local Trek & SF message area Jackalope Junction (501) 785-5381 1:3822/8 1200-16,800 HST SysOp: Steve Prado / formerly Psuedocode / now running PCBoard Arsenal of Freedom (214) 271-5616 1200-2400 baud SysOp: Joe Siegler / Apple files; Ogg-Net echoes including Trek & Sci-Fi Arsenal of Freedom II (214) 271-5397 1:124/9006 1200-14,400 baud SysOp: Joe Siegler / Fido echoes and thousands of other network messages The Townehouse (513) 474-0729 1:2350/60 1200-14,400 baud SysOps: Tom & Vicki Lind / Fido, TrekNet & Infonet echoes, Trek files The Itchy & Scratchy Show (916) 721-1701 1:203/1701.0 1200-14,400 v.32bis SysOp: Mark Holtz / primary support site for Mark's Trek List of Lists! USS Gallifrey (306) 949-6032 1:140/1701 1200-14,400 HST/v32 SysOp: Allan Finkas / Fido echoes; carries GFP Productions files All SysOps interested may have their systems listed here, provided your system carries this file most every time an update is released. Distribution site SysOps interested are reminded/warned that they will still have to call Paradox or Serial Connection for the file. You may choose to keep it online in the date-filename format, the old stand-by TREKLGBK filename, or whatever you like - there's *nothing written in stone about what the file must be called* (however, I do ask that the names of files within the ZIPfile be left unchanged). Just let me know the specs of your system (see above list for examples) and your filename for the LogBook, and I'll be happy to add your board to the list! PLEASE HELP SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS * BIBLIOGRAPHY * "Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Guide, 1989-1990" by Gene Roddenberry. (Paramount internal publication, available through Lincoln Enterprises) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Technical Manual" by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda. (Paramount internal publication, available through Lincoln Enterprises) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Initial Concepts" by Rick Berman & Michael Piller. (Paramount internal publication) "Star Trek - behind the scenes of the Next Generation" by Mark Dawidziak with Daniel M. Kimmel, Mark A. Altman, Thomas Doherty and Randall Larson. (Cinefantastique 19:3, March 1989) "Star Trek: The Next Generation - zooming to a fourth season" by Mark A. Altman with Mitchell Rubenstein and Sue Uram. (Cinefantastique 21:2, September 1990) "Star Trek: The Next Generation - zooming to a fifth season" by Mark A. Altman with Sue Uram and Mitchell Rubenstein. (Cinefantastique 22:2, October 1991) "Star Trek: The Next Generation special double issue" by Mark A. Altman with Mitchell Rubenstein, David Ian Salter and Lukas Kendall. (Cinefantastique 23:2/3, October 1992) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" by Mark A. Altman with David Ian Salter. (Cinefantastique 23:6, April 1993) "Star Trek: The Next Generation - zooming to a seventh season" by Mark A. Altman with David Ian Salter and Lukas Kendall. (Cinefantastique 24:3/4, October 1993) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - the space station that could" by Mark A. Altman with David Ian Salter and Douglas Eby. (Cinefantastique 24:3/4, October 1993) "Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Official Magazine" volumes 1-26 by David McDonnell (editor) et al. (Starlog Press, 1987-1993) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Official Magazine" volumes 1-5 by David McDonnell (editor) et al. (Starlog Press, 1993-1994) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Makeup FX Journal" by Michael Westmore and Joe Nazzarro. (Starlog Press, 1992) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Journal" by Shane Johnson. (Starlog Press, 1992) "The Star Trek Concordance" by Bjo Trimble, based on an idea by Dorothy Jones Heydt. (Ballantine Books, 1976) "The Star Trek Compendium" by Allan Asherman. (Pocket Books, 1989) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual" by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda. (Pocket Books, 1991) "The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion" by Larry Nemecek. (Pocket Books, 1992) "The Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future" by Michael & Denise Okuda (Pocket Books, 1993) "Star Trek: The Next Generation: 'Unification'" by Jeri Taylor. (Pocket Books, 1991) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 'Emissary'" by J.M. Dillard. (Pocket Books, 1993) "Star Trek: The Next Generation: 'Descent'" by Diane Carey. (Pocket Books, 1993) ================================================================================ Dedicated with love, as always, to Nancy...and that neurotic puppy of hers I wanted to name "Lord Nigel, the Fruitbat." The poor little sod got stuck with the name "Scooter" instead! - Earl