The following files, RASIS template files, (RMT) have been provided for you to view, try, and if you wish, use.... MACTEST.RMT ------------ A no good for nothing template file, which uses most all the available macros, so you can see how they are used. It also contains a macro error, so you can see what RASIS places in the message for errors. I suggest you send this one to youre-self from RASIS, then log onto the BBS and read it. SND1FILE.RMT ------------- Handy to send when you are attaching ONE file to a user. SNDFILES.RMT ------------ For multiple files sent to the user, tells them, in advance, how many files are attached to the message. See the included file MACROS.LST for a list of macros, also listed in RASIS.DOC