Contents TopicA TopicB TopicC This topic is shown when there are no previous topics or no Help context defined. This mimics the BP IDE. By default, the Contents help page is topic 0 and is defined in TOYPREFS. If you want to change this, use a help context file to override the TOYPREFS value, see TOYPREFS. Help on Help Available commands shown on the Status line. By default, the HelpOnHelp help page is topic 2 and is defined in TOYPREFS. If you want to change this, use a help context file to override the TOYPREFS value, see TOYPREFS. Using Help In the BP IDE, File Using help brings up the Help On Help topic. Press F1 to see that topic now. Welcome to TVToys 1.5 TVToys is a collection of stuff useful to every TV programmer. This is the Video demonstration program, the Video menu above lets you use any video mode available on your video card. You can change the screen font, even to a font you designed yourself. One such font is included. What's Welcome to TVToys 1.5 TVToys is a collection of stuff useful to every TV programmer. This is the Help demonstration program, what you see now is an improved help viewer with back tracking, a Contents page and a Help on Help page. It's completely configurable, your choice of keys and help topics with some caveats on topic 0. ( What's topics Welcome to TVToys 1.5 This demonstration program is slightly different, it's a somewhat experimental programming illustration. RESTEST uses a config file to save video mode info, automatic video detection flags and the last TV video state on exit. Try to run the program more than once. It first creates a resource file, with one font in it (Choosing the third entry on the Lines menu or the "This is a font resource!" in the font selection dialog will load the font from the resource file) } RESTEST will then ask you what video detection you want. If you unselect VESA or Video 7, RESTEST will never look for them. Version 1.5 also includes help texts for the Color Selection dialog, try pressing F1 in that dialog. Unfortunately there are no help texts for any other items... What's Welcome to TVToys 1.5 This is the serial demonstration program. First choose a COM port then the speed and parity you want to use. You will then see a very basic terminal window, anything you type will be sent to the COM port, anything received will shown in the window. ~ The Actions menu contains Dial and Hangup commands for Hayes modems. The program is rather slow due to TTerminal being slow. TVToys News Version 1.5 now includes: J A serial stream A COM port selection dialog A serial demo, SERTEST ExeHelp now works with DPMI too What's What TVToys Is An improved HelpFile with back tracking and several bug fixes Video mode searching and selection dialog EGA, VGA, SVGA, Video 7 and VESA supported Complete font support, font selection dialog, font resources Mouse fix for extended video modes An ExeStream unit, put your help file in the EXE Video card palette routines, TV palette changing dialog An improved Color Selection Dialog Instant dragging scrollbars Three demonstration programs Several configuration files for easy tweaking Truly configurable help contexts TVToys DOES NOT SUPPORT smFont8x8, use ToggleVideoLines Also see the Changes section in README.TXT Topic A TopicB TopicC Topic B TopicA TopicC Topic C TopicA TopicB Options Colors... The Colors item brings up the Colors dialog box, where you customize the colors of different parts ("views") of the program. Foreground Background You use Foreground and Background palettes on black-and-white and color systems to modify the foreground and background colors of the current item (view). To change the color for the selected item in the current group, use the cursor keys or mouse to choose a new color from the palette. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text The block of display text below the palettes shows the current color settings. See also: Colors dialog Group Desktop Menus Dialogs/Calc Puzzle Calendar Ascii table The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can color-customize. z When you select a group from the Group list, the Item box displays the names of the different views in that region. Q Use the mouse or the cursor-movement keys to scroll through the list of groups. \ You do the actual color customizing in the palettes or in the Colors set of radio buttons. See also: Colors dialog Item Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Normal text Selected text The Item list box displays the names of the different views you can color-customize in the region (group) you've selected in the Group Use the mouse or the cursor-movement keys to scroll through the list of views. \ You do the actual color customizing in the palettes or in the Colors set of radio buttons. See also: Colors dialog Help on the Colors dialog box The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. F Group Browser Call Stack Compiler Desktop Dialogs Editor Help Menus Messages Output Register The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can color-customize. Item Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Normal text Selected text When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background (Not Monochrome): You use the Foreground and Background palettes on black-and-white and color systems to modify the foreground and background colors. Colors ( ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse (Monochrome Only): You use the Colors set of radio buttons on monochrome systems to modify the character attributes of the views. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. Colors You use the Colors set of radio buttons on monochrome systems to modify the character attributes of the views. O ) Mono Low The Mono Low option sets the attribute of the currently selected item (view) in the currently selected group to low intensity ("normal"). O ( ) Mono High The Mono High option sets the attribute of the currently selected item in the currently selected group to high intensity. O ( ) Mono Underscore The Mono Underscore option sets the attribute of the currently selected item in the current group to underscore. O ( ) Mono Inverse The Mono Inverse option sets the attribute of the current item in the current group to inverse ("reverse video"). Q Text Text Text Text Text Text The block of display text below the radio buttons shows the current attribute setting. See also: A Group Colors dialog [X] Color propagation If you check color propagation, changes to certain background colors propagate to other items that ordinarily have the same background color, for example Frame Passive and Frame Active. Changing the background color of one of them changes the background color of the other automatically with color propagation. See also: Colors dialog