----------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)dialogs.txt 05/28/93 Chris Ahlstrom ----------------------------------------------------------------- USING TURBO VISION DIALOG BOXES AS IMPLEMENTED IN THE FACE_TV LIBRARY 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose This document attempts to describe how to create lists of fields to use with the FACE_TV (C++/Turbo Vision) dialog-box handlers. Later, we might also try to describe the menuing system. For now, the example code in FACE_TV.MEN and FACE_BOX.MEN is pretty easy to cut, paste, clone, and edit to suit your programs. 1.2. Scope A functional description in prose, with some examples and diagrams. 1.3. Audience Novice programmers who wish to call their subroutines using a helpful menuing and dialog-box system based on Turbo Vision by Borland. 2. MenuField 2.1. Caveat Coder! This name, MenuField, is a little misleading. DialogField would have been a better name. So, you just have to remember that MenuItems and NestItems refer to Turbo Vision menus, while MenuField and MappedField refer to Turbo Vision dialog boxes. 2.2.