.I 2 3 :: scope resolution (C++, e.g. name::member) left-to-right :: global (C++, e.g. ::name) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .I 7 2 sizeof size of object in bytes sizeof size of type in bytes .I 8 4 ++ post increment (lvalue++) right-to-left ++ pre increment (++lvalue) -- post decrement (lvalue--) -- pre decrement (--lvalue) .D 9 1 .I 10 1 ! logical not .D 13 2 .I 16 3 new create object (C++) delete destroy object (C++) delete[] destroy array (C++) .D 18 3 .I 35 1 <= scalar less than or equal to .D 37 1 .I 48 3 && logical and left-to-right ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- || logical inclusive or left-to-right .D 49 3 .I 60 7 All of the operators in this table can be overloaded (C++) except: . C++ direct component selector .* C++ dereference :: C++ scope access/resolution ?: Conditional