To Install RT-Expert: -------------------- [This assumes that you receive one .zip file - if you receive RT-Expert any other way, most of these instructions should still apply, but the initial ones about how to extract the archive may not.] 1) Make a directory where you wish to install RT-Expert. (Note: the makefiles provided for the examples assume that the directory is called '\RTEXPERT'): C:\> mkdir rtexpert 2) Un-zip the RT-Expert archive into this directory - make sure to use the option for extracting directories! (for PKUNZIP, the option is '-d'): C:\> cd rtexpert C:\RTEXPERT> pkunzip -d c:\dnloads\ . . . 3) Add this directory to your path in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 4) See the file 'READ.ME' for up-to-date information and for a description of included files. 5) To compile the examples: a) Change to the directory where the example is: C:\> cd rtexpert\examples\tuorial b) Copy the makefile for your compiler to the file 'makefile' ('makefile.bc' is for Borland C++ 3.1, '' is for Microsoft C/C++ 7.0, and '' is for Turbo C++ 3.0) C:\REXPERT\EXAMPLES\TUTORIAL> copy makefile.bc makefile 1 file(s) copied c) Update the makefile to reflect where you installed RT-Expert. d) Type 'make' (or 'nmake' for Microsoft) C:\RTEXPERT\EXAMPLES\TUTORIAL> make e) Run the example! C:\RTEXPERT\EXAMPLES\TUTORIAL> my_main