MDIForm1 TBar Demo MDIForm15 Picture1 Label1 No Mouse Events Received Yet! TBar1 wwwwp wwwwwp 0;;8;;;8;8 0;;;;;;1;1;1;1 ;;;1;1;1 None;;;;;;None;8,9;7,9;7,8 ;;;;;;1 TBar1_ClickA MDIForm_Load TBar1 ButtonState define BS_IS_TOGGLED BS_IS_ENABLED BS_IS_NOTTOGGLEDh BS_IS_NOTENABLED Picture1_Click" Picture1_ResizeS Label1 Widthq Picture1D Picture1_Paint Picture Height Bevel Picutre1 Button TBar1_MouseMove MouseButton Shift Caption CurY; TBar1_MouseDown TBar1_MouseUp TBar1_DoubleClick TBar1_Toggle State aString Form1 IS_VISIBLEo BS_IS_VISIBLE BS_IS_INVISIBLEF MDIForm_Load TBar1.Id(0) = 1 TBar1.Id(1) = 0 TBar1.ButtonState(1) = BS_IS_INVISIBLE TBar1_Click Button was clicked! TBar1_DoubleClick Double click received for button TBar1_MouseDown Left mouse button is pressed! Button is Right mouse button is pressed! Button is Middle mouse button is pressed! Button is Shift button is down Control button is down Alt button is down TBar1_MouseMove Open an empty document Open existing document Save current document Cut currently selected text Cut currently selected text to the clipboard Insert text in clipboard into text Change line styles Print the current document Open help Open context sensitive help Mouse is moving Uncommenting this line doesn't allow other events to be processed So uncomment it only for testing purposes If CurX <> X Or CurY <> Y Then Debug.Print "Mouse is at:"; X; ","; Y If MouseButton And 1 Then Debug.Print "Left mouse button is pressed!"t If MouseButton And 2 Then Debug.Print "Right mouse button is pressed!" If MouseButton And 4 Then Debug.Print "Middle mouse button is pressed!" If Shift And 1 Then Debug.Print "Shift button is down" If Shift And 2 Then Debug.Print "Control button is down" TBar1_MouseUp If MouseButton And 1 Then Debug.Print "Left mouse button is Up! Button is "; Button If MouseButton And 2 Then Debug.Print "Right mouse button is Up! Button is "; Button If MouseButton And 4 Then Debug.Print "Middle mouse button is Up! Button is "; Button If Shift And 1 Then Debug.Print "Shift button is down" If Shift And 2 Then Debug.Print "Control button is down" If Shift And 4 Then Debug.Print "Alt button is down" TBar1_Toggle Button toggled to