Readme File for: RDBLIB - Common Subroutines and Functions Library For Visual Basic RDBLIB.BAS contains the following subroutines: RB_Center - Prints a string centered on a specified line ShellAndWait - starts (via SHELL() function) a program and waits until it completes. RDBLIB.BAS contains the following functions: RB_ErrorHandler - a common error handler that includes help on erorrs and a form for producing a problem report. RB_Rjustify - prints a numeric value right justified on specified location with specified format. RB_Text_Format - Formats a string for printing with a specified printer line length. RB_Validate_Date - validates date input. RDBDEMO.MAK will produce a program that demos these functions. To install, copy all files into a directory of your choice. To use in your VB projects include the following files in your project: RDBLIB.BAS - common library module RBERRFRM.FRM - Error display form RBPROBRP.FRM - Problem reporting form RBSCRN.FRM - Screen for capturing and printing current screen RBERROR.HLP - Help on errors - must be in windows directory or the current (program) directory The following VB files are also required: CMDIALOG.VBX - MS VB common dialogs THREED.VBX - MS VB 3D controls Information on using the subroutines and functions can be obtained from the source for each routine in RDBLIB.BAS and from the demo form. These routines are being provided for use in your programs. You may distribute these routines or their compiled versions as a part of your systems. However, you may not distribute these routines by themselves for profit. Payment for these routines is not required, but will always be appreciated. Send questions or donations to: Royce D. Bacon RDB Systems 8942 W. Lawrence Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53225 Compuserve ID: 70042,1001 Files included: GLOBAL.BAS - Global definitions used by demo program RDBLIB.BAS - Common library module LOGO.FRM - About form for demo program RBERRFRM.FRM - Error display form RBPROBRP.FRM - Problem reporting form TEST.FRM - Main form for demo program RBERROR.HHH - Context sensitive defines produced by Quick & Dirty Help RBERROR.HLP - Help file for error handler RBERROR.HPJ - Help compiler project file for error help file RDBDEMO.MAK - VB Project file for demo program RBERROR.QDH - Quick & Dirty Help source file for error help file RBERROR.RTF - Rich Text File for error help file (produced by Quick & Dirty Help) README.TXT - This file BROGHTBY.WAV - Sound clip used in about in demo program DRUM.WAV - Sound clip used in about in demo program RDBLIB.WAV - Sound clip used in about in demo program RDBSYSTM.WAV - Sound clip used in about in demo program TADA.WAV - Sound clip used in about in demo program ***************** End Of README.TXT File **********************************