Demo9 Demo 9 - Drag and Drop Form15` Table2 TgDemo MS Sans Serif CallDate Phone Phone "("###")" ###"-"#### Customer Customer Data2R Data2% OE.MDB CallList Data2 Table1 TgDemo MS Sans Serif LastName First FirstName Company Company Phone Phone "("###")" ###"-"#### Data1R Data1% OE.MDB Customers Data1 Label2 To here: Label1 Drag from here: Form_UnloadU Cancel~ QuitCurrentDemo ResetDragDrop Table1 MarqueeStyle) GMQ_SOLIDCELL Data1u Captionj Table1_DragCell Split ColumnIndex RowIndex ColumnName GMQ_HIGHCELL GMQ_HIGHROW BEGIN_DRAG Table1_MouseMove Buttoni Shift Table2_DragDrop` Source Control Table2 ColumnText Data2 Recordset" CallDate Phone Customer FirstName LastNameJ Company Table2_DragOver State dragFrom overCol overRow ENTER GMQ_NONE LEAVE PointX PointY ColumnAtPoint RowAtPoint Table2_KeyUp KeyCode KEY_DELETE EditActive Form_Unload ResetDragDrop Turn off drag drop by resetting the highlight and data control caption. Drag a row, or just phone # Table1_DragCell DragCell is triggered when TrueGrid detects an attempt to drag data from a cell. We first set the actuale cell location to the one being dragged, then change the marquee to indicate whether we're dragging a row, or just the phone number. Phone Dragging phone number... Create new call when dropped... Use Visual Basic manual drag supporte Table1_MouseMove If the button is up and we get MouseMove, that means, we exited the form and tried to drop elsewhere. Reset the drag upon returning.o Table2_DragDrop Allow phone drops right into the cell, other drops cause a new row to be added Phone Table2_DragOver DragOver provides visual feedback as we are dragging, a row, or just the phone number.k Phone Phone Table2_KeyUp Allow the DELETE key to remove a record, providingn that we're not currently editing data in a cell.n