Demo7 Demo 7 - Non-database Mode Form25N Table1 TgDemo LastMod Form_Load Table1w DemoNav Controls Count Table1_Click Table1_Fetch Value ColumnName CtlName FileInfo filistG filist_size RefreshFileListh fname flist_sizeQ FiName FiDateTime FiLen Form_Unload Cancel QuitCurrentDemo filist is filled with all of the directory informatione for the current directory filist_size keeps track of the current Redim size of filist Form_Load filist_size keeps track of how big the filist array is, which holds the data which was gleaned from searching the directory. fetch the initial directory lista Form_Unload RefreshFileList Loop through the list of files in the current directory. ReDim filist each time to expand it,e and fill in the information in memory.e Tell TrueGrid to display the information by setting the number of rows and requesting a refresh.s Table1_Fetch TrueGrid calls this routine each time it needse data. We use the heading text to determine what is needed.u LastMod